Why do unholy deathknights use chains of ice

just a plain question pure out of curiousness

why can’t unholy dks have their dececrated grounds back? and maybe just maybe remove the thing to have us stay inside death n decay

and you can make it so death and decay procs under our feet like dececrated grounds did in wotlk maybe abit modified

best regards

Because chains are better range slow and you can press it all the time.
Ground was bad like DnD.
We still have dececrated ground in base dk talent three DnD 90%slow.
Dececrate ground 8yard range i think it wasnt that good.
Chains of ice were more usefull even in wotlk.

I think he’s talking thematically… so frost ability as unholy, sort of thing, I think… lol

Well thematicaly arthas was both unholy and frost so it make sense for both specs to have some mix abilites

I dooooont knowwwwww

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