Like i just noticed through another Forum poster that we do not have any Ducks in this game. That is absolutely preposterous!
I have never felt of missing something within this game until this very moment. I demand Pet Ducks and Duck Mounts. Including Armored ones.
Just look how adorable they are! Just waiting for someone to ride them into Battle!
Only if we also get geese
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Egg-celent, geese would of course be hostile to everything, including other NPCs gotta get it right.
And Hunters get their own “green fire questline” so to be able to tame these unruly beasts.
They are both massive destructions weapons, and they are also both biggest fear of Void lords…
Well that why you need them ! 
Would love a large duck mount. Scratch that, how about a duck race? Duck people, imagine all the funny characters you could make. YOU COULD BE DONALD DUCK
At least those would be more threatening than N’zoth ever was.
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There are ducks! I know it! One of them is constantly observing me! I didn’t see it, but I feel it! IT’S UP TO SOMETHING! YOU WILL NEVER GET ME!
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Will we get pancakes too and hoi sin sauce? Oh nvm, yes ofc ducks are beautiful 
I fully support this.
For too long Ducks have been neglected and ignored in WoW and it’s about time things changed.
Yes please, ducks quack me up!
Playable race? Sure why not!
Make it playable allied race blizzard it would be so good do it plz
Will we get duck people as a playable race too?
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Hoi Sin Sauce I understand, but I never saw someone eat duck with a pancake.
Well, you never cease to learn, thanks. Might try that one day.
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