Why do we pay blizzard to care about players less than a free to play game nowadays

Well, today i was lvling my alt myself on velrog stand and again a paid lvlbooster did intentionally kill me several times to own the spot with pulling a large amount of mobs to kill me… So Velrok stand belongs to only lvl boosters for gold and legit players do not have right to go there ?
That reminds me last time i reported them several times cause of abusing and disturbing other player’s game intentionally. And guess what happened? Same player doing same thing without any punishment … So what’s next ? Will u legalise using bots too ? or will u legalise accaunt theft too?
In the old times that player will definetely get punished fast for harrasing other player’s gameplay immediately.
I think Blizzard do not care about that … as they say ‘‘Small indie company’’

well griefing ongoing and there is no proper section to report the player
and have no intent to stop. Reporting sections are AFK/Non -Partipicion , Intentionally feeding and Blocking team progress. So Blizzard where is the proper option that you say for player griefing on your site? Is it hidden? Anyway reported him on different sections. I hope it works

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Hionestly I barely understand what precise situation you are ranting about…

But I agree, with the (non existent) amount of effort Blizz puts into Cata Classic (look at all the bugfixes not happening!), Cata classic should be free to play. Paid subscriptions may be fine for retail where they are still develop stuff and fix bugs, but if you only want to play classic, that really feels overprized!

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What do you mean, “not happening”?
They just fixed major issue.

Cataclysm Classic

  • Items obtained through Mark of Honor Hold and Mark of Thrallmar no longer have a vendor price.

Oh that is awesome, I can’t wait to tell my pet! Oh wait… it is stuck in some elevator.


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