Why do you hate dk so much?

When are you going to let dk be s tier? buff death coil dmg ? buff pet dmg ? make pets smarter they are dumb


Pets have a bad AI, look at the tyrant… los him and he will start casting again in melee range…

is this a PvE or PvP perspective?

cause imo pet specs should never, ever be S in pvp

Why should a pet spec never be S in pvp?

let me rephrase

pet specs that have the majority of their dmg comming from a pet, should never be S in pvp.

because it is braindead that an Ai is most of your dmg in a PvP setting

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And the ai is stupid as hell… like i said, lots the tyrant. He keeps chasing you til he gets in melee range. Most important against demo is to stop Felguard(both) and the dogs. That’s the biggest dmg. All of them are ccable.

Shadowlands Season 2, 3 and 4.

Don’t be delusional. DK was Swamp tier whole expansion. It was Semi-ok in last patch when paired with a DH, other then that it was dog. Mage dominated whole expansion, what are you even talking about?

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Huh? :smiley: Season 1 before the mastery buff was the ONLY instance in which UDK was considered S tier before it got the nerf hammer not even halfway through the raid. Get a grip.

tbf, in s1 SL, s2 BFA and a good portion of legion and WoD … DK always found a way to be strong in arena, not quite S tier but strong

however, nerfing the class soo much pre season based on Beta tests whilst other classes are blindly and most regrettably Broken like Fury war, DH , rogue but are hardly touched upon

  • it does leave the question in your head.
    is there a class bias or hate towards DK ?

i play multi classes and ill answer my own question here with another question

Hunters had a bias for years and still to this day certain people still call them Huntards,
it would logically make sense that another class has hate too even if it is unjust

is this fair ?

just disapoint

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