Preach, brother. I was like, I wonder what we’ll get… The proud Ankoan’s with passive water breathing, Dragonkin who have the ability to morph into a powerful dragon, or… oh wait, we got robot gnomes? Okay I’m out.
I don’t hate Gnomes.
And moustaches too!
I love Gnomies and Mechagnomies.
The real reason people hate them is because they are kid sized and look awful in a bikini mog
My uncle Manny work in the gardens biznis and he earn very well
Mechagnomes are just gnomes on life support
Dragonkin would be a stretch, but I’ll forever be sad we didn’t get Ankoan.
We should get Ankoan and Gilgoblins in the pre-patch to make up for it.
If you want to hurt Gnomes, you will have to go through me first
I don’t think it would be too difficult to add Ankoan. From what I can tell, they use the same skeleton as Zandalari Trolls, so all the animations are there.
i dont.
i just dont really like the small transmog thats all.
You main horde and you don’t play gnomes. Why do you hate them?
Why do you mock them with a name like “fatugly”? Or is that meant to be for a kul tiran?
People just like mocking them because they’re tiny I think. Punting jokes aside, gnomes are full of flavor as a race.
Ye with the most op Racial. Extra mana for warriors and mages and a 3 min CD from a snare that doesn’t work half the tin
I love gnomes. I only dislike the races that belong to the horde.
/Hug Fatugly
This is one of the reasons I guess; visually Gnomes simply not appealing
Body proportions are a bit off, their movement and horrible, horrible voice - they are one step away to be portryed as the little grey aliens
Gnomes are creepy
But my main problem with the Gnomes the way WoW portryed and treated them and somehow that affected my views of the Gnomes
We have a very advanced, smart race in a world where magic and technology mixing very well, a bit like with the case of Marvel’s Asgard, a race that painfully aware, they once were nothing more than constructs, sophisticated androids designed and built with the only one porpuse to serve another even more advanced construct, the Titanic Keepr Mimiron. These units then turned to flesh and tasted free will, capabilites way beyound their original programing (a bit similar situation like the NDR series robot “Andrew” in the Bicentennial Man, except the 200 years…) and ever since try to recapture that perfection
And then their history took a horribly dark turn; the city that housed most of their civilization was flooded by radiation - thanks to their leader - and now most of the gnome survivors technically had to escacpe from that death trap, survive a Fallout scenario, their friends, family and all went insane from radiation and became monsters and they had to fight their way out then lock the doors behind, while those they had to left behid to survived screamed and clawed the impenetrable steel doors… then came the silence. And the tears
Despite all this… the Gnomes always were portreyed and jokes and a"funny race", a comic relieves! With every PC, with every lore (even with the addition of the mechagnomes) they were treated very disrespectfully and if you asks me, in my oppinion they were portryed very wrong!
And not the Roleplayers played them wrongly - on the contrary, 90% of the Gnome roleplayers tried to fix how Blizzard and the lore butchered their chosen race - it was done officially!
And somehow this contradiction made me to hate these poor little guys
I know its wrong to hate them, I know I’m not supose to feel this way… but can’t help it. I’m ashamed. But can’t feel any other way
But every Gnome roleplayer have my deep and utmost respect palying them!
RP-wise I always considered Gnomes and Goblins the 2 masterrace.
Their conflict is what gives any chance to the Horde and the Alliance to thrive.
If Goblins and Gnomes could put aside their differences and unite, you can go “Me have axe, me go honor” all you want, but you definitely shouldnt bring an axe to a tankfight. Most wars seem to be about who can build the bigger atomic bomb, Goblins for the Horde or Gnomes for the alliance…
The most powerful mages would stand a chance, but still!
You shall respect the little guys
Come on now, the Gob Squad took out more Blood Trolls than the rest of the Horde combined…
They are tiny, ̶f̶a̶t̶ugly, also pestilent. And they do not have horns, tail and hooves.
“Hmm… you didn’t see any nuclear bombs on your way in, did you? No? Alright, I’ll keep looking.” - Hobart Grapplehammer’s Legion chat
Gnomes are cool!
Their transmogs aren’t as cool because they’re so smol and smushed, but the gnome racial fantasy is pretty cool!
Got a gnome mage called Flitwitz the Fabulous
Dude, what decade are you stuck in?
Rogues and warriors have 5 extra energy/rage
The remove snare is instant, cannot fail and is on a 1,5 cd.
Passive 1% haste.
Gnomes are like one of if not the best alliance PvP warrior race.