I’m sorry to say this but this is one of the biggest nonsense I’ve seen in the game: you have to choose which direction you want to develop your tier set bonus. There are players who play both PvE and PvP with the same character, and Blizzard forces you to choose which is more important for you. One side falls behind and you lag behind other players. What’s the point of this? None.
Yeah i realized when i wanted to play hpala in pvp. It was like that before already but with the vault it wasn’t as bad at least. Now without the pvp vault you have no other way getting pvp set pieces without cucking yourself in pve unless you were lucky enough to get them from pve vault or raid.
Giga dumb.
at the start of a seaosn i would take the pvp piece if u plan to q. at least u can upgrade it to 619 ilvl for pve.
if u about to chose right now for a char, take the pve piece. we are at a point where u can fully gear out ur char for pvp with conquest/bloody token and free wep.
i dont think anybody can complain in regards to vault. pve’ers get 3 more options for free hero gear simply by doing delves and pvp’ers were never able to get full gear faster. like u get weapons and crafting gear for free with a value of over 3k conquest.
with the vault u could be unlucky making it alot worse then what we have now. ontop of that u had to choose between pvp and pve options every week.
Oh i wasn’t complaining. My statement was completely free of judgement. At least that was my intention.
Regarding set pieces what the OP has stated is a fact though.
Yup it’s dumb, though it’s not the only dumb decision they made with gear. People playing multiple specs that have different main stat are also screwed.
If I play ele/resto I can use same gear including weapon and enchants, but if I want to play enh/resto I’m screwed on chest enchant, legs enchant and weapons (also trinkets but that’s PvE).
Basically I got to wait two months before I can get chest, weapon and legs for enh before I can play it in pvp. It’s ridiculous that it makes more sense to level another shaman if I want to play enh and resto in pvp than use my main…
You are supposed to pick pve. After you are done with your raid, finished farming material for potions for the next one, got battle pet dailies done and your pve set is complete, now you are supposed to play pvp. Did you do your first 8 priorities or, as informed and inexperienced new player, simply queued into pvp?!
Yea, it doesn’t make much sense.
A solution would be as simple as allowing players to earn TWO tier pieces via the 1600 and either M+ or raid, but then making the one earned from PvP only useable on a PvP piece (so PvE player won’t just be forced to PvP for a 2nd tier piece).
This way you don’t fall a whole tier piece behind early season, in case you choose PvE piece
Do you mean making it so PvP tier items can only be used in PvP instances or would you be able to use that crafted tier pvp item even outside of PvP?
Since this solution would just give PvE 2 tier pieces instantly otherwise x)
The easiest solution is to just remove set bonus for PvP entirely. But im not sure how well liked that would be for ppl who want to feel “fresh” every season based on tier sets.
But people can just pick the PvP tier if they are doing both since for most cases you only rly upgrade it to 619 at the start so you dont waste gilded crests.
If you do heroic raiding then its even easier choice etc.
I mean, yea. But it would be lower Ilvl. Could even make it even lower than it currently is, as I don’t think PvP’ers care much as long as it’s still conquest item Ilvl in pvp instances.
Idk, maybe there are better solutions
Actually been some people who have been complaining that their PvE ilvl is too low in PvP gear(on this forum). They want the ability to instantly join raid/m+ with just their PvP gear. (619 is not bad for entry lvl to push higher keys.)
But kinda like I pointed out, you dont rly loose overally much by choosing the PvP option since you can upgrade it to 619 (where majority stays due to gilded being capped so they want to use it for more important options).
Then just pick heroic/myth options in vault if you want/can and use PvP conquest items on catalyst unless you get myth tracked piece.
But if you really want to make a 2 token system, 1 for PvE and 1 for PvP they need to be deactivated for the other content. Maybe make their set ID different so the set bonus would not be activated with eachother? So you cant use 1 PvP and 1 PvE to get 2set. Or something like that atleast to make it less impactful in PvE.
Fully agree, hopefully for me Fury doesn’t care about the tier set this season so I’m not really impacted. Until Arms get buffed and it’s back to the basic gameplay and then I’ll need the tier set but I guess I will have enough catalyst when it come (it’s not gonna happen for 11.0.5).
Catch up is great, I was able to gear pretty fast (3-4 days with a reset) with the blood tokens. That’s a great improvement compared to before, the only thing annoying is the loss of nice crafted gear with effects from DF.
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