Not equal. Horde is getting BGs every time they hit number required to form 2 teams. Alliance waits from time to get full Alliance team to time to get it and full Horde team as well. So Horde queues can be 1-5 minutes, while Alliance can wait for 15-25 minutes minimum. Any PvPer is looking at Horde side allready.
I don’t think Alliance deserve anything extra, not a thing.
But I also don’t care that much, let’s just hope it’s not going to ruin server economy.
eyyy alextheswift and worstworrier i see the alliance clowns are in full swing today
Trying to solve faction imbalance which is THE problem which causes horde queues isn’t about deserving anything.
alliance dying for good seems like triple win to me
- no more world pvp wich no one cares
- everyone can play with eachothers
- alliance CLOOOOOWNS losing their characters like the clowns they are (btw if ur alliance and think u didn’t already wasted time on gearing your 70, check ironforgepro PepeLaugh)
This is completely incorrect. Please stop spreading false information. Thanks.
Factions are only slightly imbalanced, the main issue is that alliance players don’t play pvp as much as the horde players because they aren’t as good at pvp as horde players are.
Why are the ones shouting the loudest always hiding behind low lvl alts and/or retail characters?
I totally think this is exactly what you guys did and took the stance of a spoiled baby to ask for this change when you could ask for free transfer . Very funny tough
no one wants to transfer to your clooooown faction, clown
enjoy getting camped gg ez no re on a stack no cap loktar ogar
Jesus how old are you?
just stating str8 fax no printer homie no one wants to be lotr wannabe in 2021
and why the hell would you play paladin on human when you have blood elves, yikes cringe
Alliance refugee playing Horde spotted
Post on main clown stop hiding behide a lvl 20 too be brave not lame :))
horde since 2006. proud belf ret. tried human in classic but i was like “eh in 1 year i’m gonna have belf no point leveling on the trash faction”
Golemagg player eh? I will show you how bad you are any time you want
Eyy the gux that thinks that 20% of ally rerolled BE for the looks, whatsup
Why are you so hostile? I’m usually farming alliance in the evenings 6-8 PM, meet me at HP/CR/Auch summoning stones