After reading the sht-posts on these forums for a few weeks I now finally understand why it was such a struggle healing alot of groups in TBCC. These idiots are so dense they probably don’t understand that standing in fire is bad.
The retail-kids got their instant reward again but lets see who is laughing in the end. The retail changes in terms of boosts and merc-mode will gut the game. Everyone fled to privateservers for a reason. We didn’t sign up for classic to play retail. This will spiral even more out of control, same effect as boosts had. But forsight requires a brain so most horde are ay-okay right now!
At the summoning stones together with 40horde? I see how you are farming them, call me whenever for 1v1 wherever you want and i will come
You arent scared mr pro pvper, are you?
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Read Art of War.
Of course I fight alliance when the odds are in my favour.
I gank, kill, decimate and humiliate your faction, that’s what I do.
yeah goodbye to you and 5 other players going to private servers, no one likes you and no one will miss you! enjoy being a clown on cracked client! cya
Well yeah, you hide from fair fight and then tells everyone what a great hero you are, thats what cowards do
Wrong. That’s what winners do.
same i love to gank these noobs i instantly attack when they try to summon and everyone jumps in the fun just because haha enjoy your corpse camp
No you don’t. We all know you don’t. Because cowards never do.
if you are so brave why are you scared of faction imbalance? buhuuuu little gnome got killed at the stone, little gnome can’t play no more, little gnome goes home alone
You have no hope at all. Is ad you can’t be helped dude. Cracked server ?! Dude some private ofer better service then blizzard did I could post some idea like private server had. But will be against tos.
Just try to relax you are to tense.
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Winners only gank lowbies and run from fair fight, right. You just heared the primest zug attitude here, imagine thinking after that that you are superior in any way in pvp, lol
If you’re such a badass why do you keep talking so big while hiding your main?
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I’m not going to play on private. I’m rather tired of wow for now. Playing with the disgusting community that you demonstrate so well in here sort of took all fun out of it. Also people are so got damn bad tbh. Pugging on horde is a real struggle. I won’t make the same mistake of playing with you sweaty min/max retail hordes again though so no worries. No more healing and tanking for you plebs.
yeah go heal in fortnite dude go chug a blue vase
No he’s not. He’s most likely afk in Shatt cowering in fear of being killed in the open world even though you’re playing on some 80% Horde server.
Yeah, same as the golemagg tauren? Avoiding fair fights? Typical zugs man
I’m sorry I don’t quite follow the slang 12 year olds use these days. Best of luck in life, your attitude tells me it will be an uphill and rough ride for you with your personality.
i’m just direct instead of being a passive aggressive sabotagin awful person like you
Breaking news: Guy full of S is full of S.
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