According to the site realmpop dot com it currently shows at 120 - EU with a 49.7 Horde to 50.3 Alliance and US with a 49.1 Horde to 50.9 Alliance if these numbers match up why does the Alliance still have the overwhelming odds quest and 30% buff when its showing the horde who are down on numbers.
Also what happened to the guards and npcs reacting to hostile units? i mean look at daz port, there is literally an army of horde there and they do nothing when alliance attacks, same for Nathanos on the ship, the port actually has no guards whatsoever apart from the few up the very top of the stairs half a mile away…
Its obvious outposts and areas need guards that are actually effective in guarding those areas and stop FP camping, don’t get me wrong i love world pvp, always have, but when you land at an FP to be greeted by a 40 man raid group just sitting there not being contested by the guards/npcs something needs to be done…
The reason is… Blizz know how many players have wm on. Realmpop doesn’t.
Not sure on the guards. I’m guessing guard strengths are based on what blizz wants to encourage or make harder. They want alliance to attack dock area in darazalor for example. If it was a mistake, guessing would be fixed.
Because bonus calculated not from all population, but ONLY from players with War Mode ON. It’s even has it’s own name - Population in War Mode. But no site to track it, only % bonus and quest on the week after.
Same at Boralus market and ship - same on both sides… - those zones are for player gathering and attacks.
If you want protection - stay close to important NPCs. Guards in the city are not there to protect you - they’re protecting their leaders. While players must protect themselves and their areas.