Why does it take forever to kill people?

If someone presses every single one of their globals wrong you should be able to kill them in a reasonable amount of time and not take 45 seconds for it…


I too would like to know what the intent was with people being unkillable.
Last night I did BG with 3 kills and 4 -5 million damage done.
For reference a geared DPS have about 250k HP … If not for the healing I would’ve have 16 - 20 kills, which sounds about right remembering the good days of this game.
Remember the achievement to do 20 kills while not dying ? Yeah good luck with that.

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Yeah its just really stupid, the problem is that they think for some reason everyone should have unreasonable amount of self healing, even the classes that shouldn’t have any self healing at all, and combine this with having a healer present, and people will take ages to die. was 1v1 a 250k hp fury warrior yesterday, and i dealt almost 800k damage to him, before i died myself, his self healing was way more than what i could heal myself for as well. Blizzard is blind to this problem themselves, its a reason why they had to put a debuff in the Arena that reduced healing taken, that starts ticking and stacking the moment the arena start, that just proves that there is a big problem with healing / self healing in the game when it comes to pvp, but they are to lazy to do anything about it.


They are even improving that. In s2 they added a huge amount of stamina to the azerite items. Now in 8.2 they added essences which gave you…drum roll… 3% stamina inbetween minor powers. :rofl:

Yeah that was really stupid, MORE hitpoints is definitely not something that was needed in this game, when all tyose minor powers are unlocked, it will be 12% more stamina in total, and that will be a lot… current classes are just so majorly imbalanced against eachother and somehow they manage to just make it worse and worse. Fury warrior will be the one i dislike the most seeing as they have what, 3-4 self healing things which are built into their primary DPS abilities… They don’t even have to think tactical with their healing, they just need to go full on damage since they will heal so much just by doing that… Blizzard must start seeing their big problems with pvp soon? its just getting worse and worse, more and more people quit pvp, used to know many that played WoW just for the PvP in the earlier expansions, none of them are playing the game anymore because of how the pvp has become.


IT is what blizzard have been doing in every “improvement”.

Something doing too much dmg? Give more HP

Something got imba HP? give more dmg…

never LOWER something.

I would LOVE to see them lower both HP, dmg done, and remove 80% of defensive/offensive abilities…along with selfheals…

I remember the time i could kill some1 without having to have a hint of authism to do it…

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