Why does Mythic difficulty exist again?

Blizzard makes it that way. They chose to support addons and then design around increasing player technical mastery over the game - wherever theorycrafting, encounter analysis or in-combat addons, voice comm etc. They broke features they didn’t want like automation of old decursive but other data and features stayed. We are at the point of raids having single player responsibility mechanics that wipe the whole raid if failed and things won’t get simpler or slower.

Final Fantasy has no addons but encounter design is highly based around semaphores - you clearly see on the ground what and where it will land. So you avoid that and optimize your performance by avoiding it in a way for positional attacks to be possible. In WoW it’s in limited use. Some things are done via animations - like moving projectiles, some are done via signalized directions - boss starts looking at a point and you know that this line will be used for his next ability. Then there are casts like on ads somewhere in the area you have to find, interrupt or handle in some way - those have no explicit signalization. Game at the high end is designed to be played in organized groups, often with voice comm at the top, with addons as well.

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I dont really see the argument behind this but okay. So if the game had inbuilt dbm or whatever we are all good?

Yeah but you are forgetting the part where some bosses would be pretty much impossible. Today we got like 0.1% of the playerbase getting cutting edge. Its not low enough for you?

Well I dont really see the problem here and it wouldnt change much either. Good players would still be good and bad players would still be bad.

I think it’s completely fine, just like 0,1% of the playerbase gets R1 gladiator titles.

What’s wrong about having really hard content for the most dedicated players?

Yes but with your idea of removing addons no one would actually bother with mythic raiding since it would be to hard, damn close to impossible even for the cutting edge raiders and they would have to dumb down the encounters.

Pretty sure you’re underestimating the amount of people who actually enjoy a good challenge.

that is the exact reason that people use addons, it essentially gives you the exact same information but in a much more readable manner. that is the main issue that most people have with the default UI, all of the important information by deafult is pushed out to the far edge of the screen, meaning its a lot more difficult to be able to keep track of everything and not lose track of your toon

generally if you are doing the more difficult content then you do get better gear from raids than you do from dungeons, even from doing 10s which is teh current highest item level for dungeons,

and there are some differences between dungeon mechanics for normal-heroic and heroic-mythic, to give one example, on the totem boss in atal dazar you can just kill the totems whenever on normal, but on heroic you have to kill them all within a few seconds of one another or they reset

there is also a very good reason they got rid of tier sets, they were an absolute nightmare to balance correctly, it would be nice to have the mogs available to players still but tier sets are not a good design anymore, unless they put it back to 5 pieces and didnt make them stupidly strong buffs

if there was only normal and heroic then they would have to set heroic to a specific raid size, like 20 man for example, this would mean people just complain about that, it would need to be a specific size in order to keep balance going, otherwise people would complain about certain bosses being stronger on 10 man than 25 man and vis versa like they used to.

its kind of difficult to claim its unfair, considering that all of the information that you claim are training wheels for people is also actively available for you, you just happen to chose to not use it, it would only be unfair if it was available to specific people and not others.

all of this information is available to everyone, all you need to do is read up on spells and learn they uptimes and cooldowns and you know exactly how long a cooldown will last based on its visual and how long it will be on cooldown, so realistically you are just complaining about people chosing to show this information in a way thats user friendly

but as someone has already stated just because someone has information it doesnt mean that they are able to use it correctly, so there is still a level of skill required in order to be able to complete any content

we already do, thats the point a lot of people are trying to make, just because addons exist it doesnt mean that they are bad, it just means that its the way the game works

Heroic used to be really hard but they gutted it in late cata to let casuals get past normal difficulty gear since one pull usually meant a wipe, mythic is ok it adds depth to the game while giving chance to add more mechanics to mobs.

So what you are saying is mythic raiding today is to easy with addons? Yet very few gets cutting edge, are the rest just useless?

Let’s say you’re in a classroom for an exam and there’s no clock.
The teacher tells you: you have 4 hours to complete the task.

You know it’s 4 hours. You can technically start counting seconds and know when it’ll be over.
Realistically though, will you? No. Time will pass, and you won’t be able to tell how many time you exactly have left.

Same thing applies here.
Having it on display is training wheels.

Because raiding isn’t all about difficulty. It’s mostly organization, as I said, like a second job.
Most people don’t have the time nor sufficient contacts that also happen to be tryhards to achieve that kind of content.

Mythic exists to give people who want a challenge something to do and it is a way for people to keep pushing keys to get the highest gear level possible.

Mythics are not meant for everyone, in fact I hardly do them unless I have to and only on my horde alt and then only to help out friends with low keys.

So the only reason we got so few cutting edge raiders are because its time consuming? Other than that its pretty easy really with addons…

I would argue it makes it even more competetive with tracking of cooldowns. Having to make some educated guess when to fakecast because you could be kicked dumbs it down. Now you got the information and can play with it.

You can track animations and sound effects.

On the contrary - the add-ons allow Blizzard do more complex and entertaining mythic raid encounters.

I tell you what is boring in 2020 - Classic raids, when you have done mythic raids. lack of add-ons forces Blizzard do simplified fights and so we would end up of Ragnaros typed of simple fights and THAT would be boring.

I liked Ragnaros 15 years ago, didn’t see appeal in 2019.

And likewise I find world PvP and random BGs also too easy and boring. But of course it would be weird if we all like same things.

OP thinks if it wasn’t for addons he could rival guilds like Method and Limit when in fact maybe he could rival some world 50k guild

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No sleeping did not help at all. WoW is still bad. :open_mouth:

Normal difficulty should be removed. In MoP it was just a non-queueable, slightly more difficult LFR, and then it got turned into…a slightly more difficult LFR without the raid wings option.

At this point, the only thing it does is add to the ilvl bloat.

I am doing normal raid :frowning: Please don’t remove it.

i would personally say that your example of an exam room without a clock is not overly useful considering that in that context they know what is required and will always make sure there is a clock there, in the same sense that blizz understand based on how the game works now that addons are useful to display needed information in a user friendly way, so they allow addons and build the game around the use of them,

just because you decided you dont like addons doesnt mean that they are bad

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