Why does the Mandokir Server have free transfers to Waterlords if the population is too low?


I am from the Spanish European Server of Mandokir. We have seen that free transfers have been opened to the Hydraxian Waterlords server. If we were already few… Is the Mandokir Server going to close? Some news?

Thank you very much

It is free Transfers from every Server. Because they want to turn HW into an international RP Server so Transfers from every Server are open to HW for the case that maybe you want in WotLK to Roleplay.
Because in Europe everyone speaks english.

Mandokir will be Firemaw Horde.

Alliance : Mandokir → Hydraxian → Pyrewood
Horde: Mandokir → Hydraxian → Razorgore → Golemagg

As always, Blizzard did not quite think this through. But hey, everybody gets to play wherever they want now! :joy:

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