Why doesn't Blizzard like hunters?

Why am I drawing these conclusions?

  1. I won’t discuss survivability at this moment, as I’ve noticed positive changes in the new update that greatly please me.
  2. The main issue currently, which hasn’t changed and seemingly won’t change, is the usefulness of the hunterin high-level content. Writing about traps, pets, stuns, and the hunter’s mark – seriously? Have you ever seen a group looking for a hunter based on these criteria?
    The only reason one might take a hunter is for Bloodlust. And that happens very rarely, because why bother? If there’s a mage who can do everything the hunter does plus buffs, or an augmenter who provides numerous buffs, or a shaman who synergizes with other meta classes.
    3.And what do I see? In the new expansion, the shaman gets a group buff. I’m very happy for them, but now the priority for hunters falls even lower.*
    Each time the meta revolves around classes that enhance each other, meaning they provide buffs. And from season to season, almost the same classes are played. Do you want to argue with that? Open the relevant resources and look at the first thirty pages, look at the diversity. Do you see it? Because I don’t.

Right now, I’m stuck at +17 keys, and at this rate, I’d catch the “Great Sea Ray” faster than I’d get invited to a group. Do you understand how much time that is?

What I propose is to reduce the damage of the hunter and instead give them some group utility. For example, +3-5% agility or +3-5% chance for critical strikes or critical damage. There are options if there’s a will.
What would this change? It would give hunters a chance to play at the same level as other classes. It would also provide an opportunity for other agility-dependent classes to be played.
To argue that this only matters to 1% of players who want to push high keys and mythic raiding — what changes for the other 99% then?

  1. Why does the hunter almost always have visually terrible sets? I understand it’s a matter of taste, but damn, 90% of the time it’s some kind of horror. Just look at the hunter’s set compared to the evoker’s set in the new expansion.

I would like to hear first and foremost the opinions of other hunters who play solo, without friends. What do you think about this?

Nobody like Hunters
Why Blizzard should be different?


I’m pretty sure a good amount of classes and specs are not brought to really high keys. So hunter is probably not that special.

However I do agree that hunters could use some cool looking sets, luckily the war withing mail set from the light fanatics area is really cool. And hunters could also use some cool weapons, the fact that 99% of guns in the game look like they came out of looney tunes is kind of sad. Please give hunters better looking weapons.

Hunter is more than viable? brings alot of utility and cc to the game, only issue is like most other classes, particularly melee in the M+ meta atleast anyway. You get out shined by the same culprits as per usual, fire mage, s-priest, aug voker.

Didnt you have the same complaint a couple of days ago?

If you want to play in the top fraction of a % reroll or accept the limitations of your class.

The childish ‘y u h8 hunters blizz!?’ - please.

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And rogues, rogues…

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Death Knights reading this thread be like “aww bless…”

Blizzard must be doing something right considering it’s one of the most popular classes in the game. Yes we’re lacking in comparison to other specs at the absolute very top, but it seems like those issues may be put to bed in TWW.

The “why does Blizzard hate X” is annoying though; as if it’s a single person in a dark room sitting laughing manically at hunters. Just no.

Blizzard doesn’t like hunters because they found out hunters have been secretly feeding the servers with their pets’ leftovers, causing server crashes and lag. They also discovered that hunters have been bribing raid bosses with bacon to drop better loot.

Also the constant whistling and barking from hunters’ pets have driven Blizzard’s developers to the brink of insanity, forcing them to implement nerfs just for some peace and quiet.

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Isn’t hunter doing pretty alright-ish atm? Maybe struggle in the highest of keys but usually there is only 3-4 dps specs that will be meta in the highest ones. It seems like it is played if I am viewing the stats right

Also it could be because BM is pretty simple and straight forward and maybe want to keep them that way as a “newbie friendly” spec with not a ton of utility

It’s just speculation. I’m not talking about any 20+. Just regular 15-18. I literally spend 3 hours trying to find my key, just to try at least something, which ends quite quickly and starts all over again, this endless waiting.
What will one group buff change in the game? I just look at changes to other classes and I just envy shamans.

Judging from threads in every class channel, all 38 specs (39?) specializations are F- and below in viability for all content, with some being unviable for even Goldshire dancing.

Maybe Blizzard have actual data telling them that most hunters are not ‘high-level content players’ and thus they’re not prioritizing that sort of thing for the class.

Which to me sounds absolutely logical and fine.

Nope don’t want that.
I want to deal more damage because that helps me doing the content I enjoy.

Less damage dealt; that’s what changes. It’d be a nerf.

This one I agree with. I don’t think that Blizzard understands what most of the hunter players’ fantasies are for their class. And if they do understand, then they’ve been ignoring that for the vast majority of hunter sets; which is actually even worse.

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Sure, but where would they come from there? If no one even provides the opportunity? When I say I spend 3-6 hours searching for a group, I’m not joking.

Why do you disagree? How would a casual player feel about a 3% damage reduction?

Its the easiest class to play in the game, you can’t expect to be spoon fed for everything

What should we “spoon-feed” them to provide the same opportunities as most classes?

They can see all that kind of data. So they would be able to see how many hunters are in queues.

So, maybe most hunter players are the ‘casual’ kind - I hate that word.
I’d rather use ‘solo’ or ‘world content player’. The class is a perfect fit such type of content.

I already told you:

Nobody likes a nerf. Not a 1% nerf, not a 3% nerf not a 10% nerf.

I don’t like duck rogues either.