Why every time i log there is update?

anyone knows why so many updates this week?


they have to fix all the stuff they broke :smiley: standard blizz really you hot fix something in systemslands and break 958932423 things in the other part of the mmo


No idea either but it’s quite odd to see this many updates rolling out after eachother. Let’s just assume they’re fixing things and not breaking more :slightly_smiling_face:


There is a thread on the support forum, it has been going on for a couple of days. It isn’t patching anything just re-running the same routine over and over again.


Mine finally stopped doing it today, long may it last.

probably removing quest text and uploading your data from windows for NSA

Same here, I tried the suggested fixes, and it still does that.

I also wonder this

They are fixing stuffs that noone ever cared, like renaming/removing/changing words.

Many of the updates are actually final code for parts of the game that haven’t been released yet… or so my read on what’s being downloaded is to be used for.

:smiley: imagine they forgot to set flag that update is done and we loop over the same update al lweek over and over :stuck_out_tongue:

It gives us feeling that they doing something, while they ofc not doing anything but make them look busy. They are really just chilling

Well I guess they’re fixing bugs everytime I close my game and the app…

Didn’t do it for me today! I had some random purple square over my portrait yesterday too which is gone today…so hopefully all is fixed now.

seems there was a problem …
hope they fix also vault not to drop 5 legs, 4 rings while you miss 7-8 slots items :smiley:

seems to me like not enough GV collected :stuck_out_tongue:

try my method - do 1 dungeon a week and blizzard will give you great pieces to encourage you to play more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

just do it on 6 toons :slight_smile:

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