app keeps initializing and reclaiming disc space for WoW

guys this happen to me a while ago and i saw an update for . it was a green arrow up left on blizzards logo! next to games tab… i press it , then the app done a reload and voila the freezing initializing finished and i was ok.

sorry for my english… i hope this will help you

Plus now I logged out to update addons and hey it’s stuck on initializing and won’t update.

The same is happening for me. When I started the launcher today it showed updates, but then didn’t load them. There was an update for the app which I downloaded, but it didn’t help. Stuck on initializing, can’t play. (Am on a mac.)

This has happened to me occasionally since yesterday, sometimes kicking me out of the game. I’ve also noticed that since this began, the settings of some addons have completely reset, including my entire weakauras collection.

Having the same issue as of today (12. Nov), can’t start WoW as it’s stuck on initialising/waiting for another update. Tried restarting, re-installing Bnet, deleting Agent Folders etc everything. For some Reason Diablo 3 starts but WoW is not playable atm, when trying to start it manually it just gives a CAS System error. I haven’t changed the WoW Installation in years so I guess the CAS error is due to trying to sneak around that “supposed” update.

A full re-install of the game has fixed this but who knows what causes it and when this happens again…

Same here, constant Updating (but not really downloading anything) of both Retail and Classic

Still having this issue today, 3rd day :frowning:
I’m on Mac also (2019 iMac 27" 5k retina). I’m reluctant to uninstall and reinstall unless it is absolutely necessary, I feel this is an issue with the patch and not the individual user. Come on Blizz please fix!

Also, my mac keeps asking for administration PW when clicking update.

Same problem here, tried cleaning cache nothing worked.

I’ve noticed this last night and this morning it seems to be frequent and I’ve no clue as to why and it almost seems like it could be stuck in some kind of loop because it’s to me almost like the same thing is being updated over and over again. Strange it’s not affecting any of the games themselves or playing them just constantly telling me there is another update. I have an M.2 drive which is where all my Blizzard games are so it’s not too much of a bother but at the same time a little annoying.

Its really annoying, 3th day in a row. I have try anything to solve it except unistalling the games.

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Are we going to get any update on this? Its been 3 days now where people have had the problem and I am still having them too.

Done the usual reinstall/clear cache/repair etc etc. Nothing works, so its clearly not on our end.

same, bump

Same problem here, I cleared Battle net cache, but it’s done nothing.

Same problem here. WoW Classic and Retail both keep trying to repair and update.

Same problem for me since a couple days.

Same problem. Did everything so please dont say “cache, admin, delete zzzz” etc.

It began at thursday night when you open wow som name reservation servers.

Second day, still can’t play… I suppose there will be some compensation since I pay for being able to play this game, not just for looking at the launcher app.

Same problem here

They stopped giving out compensation for downtime years ago. Round-about when Activision took over.

There’s a blue answer in the german forum

Basically, a workaround is setting the updates to pause for the moment, there is no solution in sight so far

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Yep, same here, started yesterday, I did a scan and repair and it fixed it but today its back to updating, I suppose they will drag their arses and fix it at some point.