Why have BC and WotLK gone?

Cause TBC and Wrath are underwhelming compared to Cata. We have Cata+MoP coming, best era of the game!

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Currently, Cata’s raider population is trending below TBC. TBC had 100k more raiders in its peak than Cata’s current peak. And Cata is now losing players quickly. Down by 50k or 16% raiders in just three weeks. And SoD phase 4 has just released, and TWW is coming in a month. So it will continue to trend downwards. Probably at just over 200k raiders by the end of the month. By the time Firelands comes it should be around 150k.

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TBC being more popular than Cata should come as no surprise, though. The classic game mode wasn’t as old when TBC launched, and there were way less versions of WoW to choose from. The latest logged reset on ironforge.pro (10-16th july) shows 260k logged characters. Which is roughly 60k lower than the Cata peak in mid june (317k).

Considering we’re now in week 8 of T11, SoD P4 just launched and we’re in the middle of summer vacations, I’d say those are still fairly good numbers.

I’d also guess the numbers will slightly increase again when people get back from their holidays. My guild is on a holiday break right now for a few resets, with some 10 man slack runs still going for us nolifers. I also think Firelands will do alright as a raid. Dragon Soul worries me, though…


Cata launched when SoD had sunk to around 60k raiders, and late in Dragonflight. It also came from the back of Wrath which had the highest raider population on average. All the conditions for Cata to be big were there. But it didn’t succeed.

Cata being less popular than TBC makes sense because there was not a lot of enthusiasm for it and it was not a popular expansion in the first place. If Cata were really that good, people would have flocked to it like they did for Wrath. But it does not seem that people think Cata is all that great.

If SoD Phase 4 and TWW are any good, I don’t see how Cata can maintain a raider population of over 150k by the time Fireland drops. We’ll see of course.

Era was completely dead after the split from TBC, resurfaced when people got bored of retail and TBC and cause streamers went on a huge era/ERA HC grind. Now it is back to being very much on life support, having only one server on EU and US that is 12 realms connected each on “medium” sometimes low Population.

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It is mostly because when wotlk was released, everyone was done with tbc (and bored of the pvp/1 year of bt/hyjal)
and when cata was released, everyone (and i mean REALLY everyone) was done with wotlk (and bored of the pvp aswell/almost a year of icc)

well go on whitemane instead then…theres only 8000 on there discord right now


https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/overall/ Pay attention to Wotlk and TBC…especially Wotlk.

Wotlk had at least double the players numbers of Cataclysm and Cata is going down so fast, that Blizzard will want it to “go away” in max 1 year.

I think is time for …

You are proving yourself wrong. Tbc still had some people by its end because there was no alternative. Wotlk litterally dies (as shown in your own link) after sod was released because there was such a shortage of content. Cata saved wotlk (and to an extend helped sod kill itself shortly after p3 release)

blizzard said they listen as well looooooooooooooooooooooool
no one asked for Cata
1000s of posts players asking for Lich severs

I feel the major drop in TBC/retail was because COVID restrictions being eased up in the june - in the UK anyhow and most people went outside to toss a ball around after lock down.

june 1st 2021 TBC classic launch.
June 20th 2021 onwards national curfews began to be released across EU.

US wasnt far behind, this plays a huge factor in subs and players no longer logging on to enjoy the sun, although TBC still had a decent player base for a while.

WoW already have to many versions.

Instead of one really good classic version we got cata,sod,retail and all of them are retail.

Noone from classic version’s doesnt look anything like retail.
Tho ye there to many WOW versions, and they keep digging that cheap way on milking players with more of them instead make WOW2.

because they realise that they will make a lot of money when they “rerelease” them again in like 3-4 years selling the super hiper epic 120 euro editions :slight_smile:

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