Why have BC and WotLK gone?

I used to play mostly Wotlk in its time and was thrilled when classic was brought back.

Now all I can find is either classic or cataclysm.

Did Blizzard seriously remove BC and Wotlk?? Like… “here, you can play your favorite expansion, but just for a little while”

why the rugpull?


Blizzard never promised (or even implied) that BC and Wrath would be around forever - so I don’t see the rugpull?

The simple answer is that they didn’t add Era servers for either because there wasn’t much community demand for them (like there was for vanilla), and they didn;t want to split the classic playerbase even more than it already is (4 ways with Cata, Era, HC and SoD).


And Classic Era had really low population in the first few months after the split from TBC.

Yes. People are done with it so its moved on to cata

Because regardless of how much people think EVERYONE and their grandmother loves wotlk, want nothing but wotlk, breaths wotlk, sleeps with it on their pillow every night.

It’s just not true. Time for a reality check.
Wotlk & Tbc had a very little dedicated fanbase that wanted to do it again.
Isn’t as popular as people think to continuously play it like with Vanilla.


Not to mention retail, MoP remix and WoWnite-PUBG.

The 15k people playing wotlk on warmane right now are somehow not part of this reality check you’re talking about right?

8 days and felmyst makes TBC with no addons allowed.

We never needed activision and we still don’t.


Are u deluded? Every1 has been demanding tbc and wrath classic numbers r miniscule


Well said bro didn’t even know that about felmyst hyped man tbc is good


Always found these threads abit entertaining. When playing wotlk, specially in the end, countless people just raid-logged.

Is that the wotlk people “love”? raidlogging?

They also like to stay away from the game for 2+ years and then be surprised that TBC ended.

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This is not how you use this term.

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I agree, we need servers for Wrath and TBC, TBC is my favourite expansion.
please Blizz gives us the servers.


I would play TBC again but not Wrath.

“Everyone” has not.
There was a couple of forum posts, thats about it.

And wotlk classic numbers dropped dramatically during its course.
Proving that it wasn’t that popular.
Ironforge website shows activity. Cata has dramatically increased the numbers since then. Alas not as much as peaked in wotlk/tbc, but people got bored of wotlk & dropped off.

I don’t know how blizz looks at talking about private servers here. But that server has been famous and well proven to lie about their numbers.
They can add whatever arbitrary number they want to that population bar they have.

Can be 1k, 10k, 15k, who knows. They don’t give us a way to actually see it.
Besides how active can a server be that openly sells items to people, what do you do after your 25th run on your 15th alt in ICC ?

Unless they redesign the mechanics, that’ll be interesting how alive it will be.

I honestly see no reason why they couldnt keep one or two TBC/WOTLK servers up perma. Even if people only raid logged on them, so what?

The demand for it was very little. They already split up their community into:
Classic Era
Classic Heroic
Cataclysm Classic

Do we really need 2 more ways to split the community ?

And the cost vs gain is probably not enough. My prediction is that we do not get any Cata servers if we go to MoP either.

My answer is yes. If people arent playing SoD, or any of the other ones you have listed, then why not cater to them as well? Again, Im saying a server or two. Nothing more. Nothing less. I mean they did the same thing for era etc, and it didnt cause a split.

In my humble opinion having options to play what you want to play is a good thing.

It 100% causes a split. Size can be argued to death, only blizz knows that.
But majority of people do not play multiple servers at once. Thats some hardcore Wow gamers.

For Blizz it’s not enough. Vanilla has by far the largest amount of people asking for it.
And SoD is proof that other variants of vanilla is also wanted.

But it can also be that Blizz sees now in hindsight that Vanilla server might have been fine, but that for tbc/wotlk the playerbase would be far to small and niche.

A friend told me years ago something that you should consider when you request something that will cost a company money & might not give enough money back to cover those costs. Like server capacity, GMs, developers etc.

“You can only trust a company to do one thing & that is making money.”

You talk utter nonsense you clown.