Why healers (melee) are better than the rest ?

druid, paladin,monk perform much better than the non-melee healers (shaman,priests) :

Has nothing to do with them being meele or not. Last season it was
Rsham > Disc > Monk > Hpala > Rdruid


Mana efficiency and versatility is what matters.

Yeah I dont think melee has much to do with it. Druid and Monk have insane mobility, Paladin has great healing output and defensives. All three of them are very mana efficient.
Priest healing is in a terrible place, Disc goes oom super fast and doesn’t particularly heal much in comparison to other classes. Holy does more healing but only has 1 spell school so struggles more if enemies chain interupts and CC and arguably has worse defensives than disc. Both have next to no mobility.

Not really as during the first season it changed multiple times. Firstly Discs were gods before mana regen nerf. Then Druids and Shamans. Then Shamans and Discs again. At the end Monks were superior to anything.

Yea but it didn’t matter. Titles were already distributed before 8.1 launched and it was impossible to push for r1 after that

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Wouldn’t agree with this Paladin doesn’t have as much healing Output as Druid and Monk but as you mentioned it has the best CDs that are great even in dampening where healing doesn’t do much. Druids are the best because they have plenty of utility - they can drink in stealth and NE can be Druid. Monks are good because they have insane healing Output - 55 sec CD Cocoon - good mobility, can dispel Maledict with diffuse magic and Revival if necessary (don’t need to though) and work well with meeles (DK/Fury/WW). Shaman isn’t as good as it was as they nerfed Earthen Wall totem (“Ice Block” totem) - removed Rippling Waters so shamans have to cast way more and their casted heals suck. Since they nerfed Earthen Wall shamans also struggle with survivability and they are forced to sacrifice their healing traits for Pack Spirit. Disc is always bad when DK is strong as Disc lack strong burst healing so they struggle healing through DKs Necrotic Strikes. The way that other healers survive DKs is they kite them. Priests can’t kite DKs. Holy Priests main problem is 1 healing school/long casts/lack of CDs. That 4th PvP talent Essence could be a huge chance for Holy if they’d give him Ray of Hope or that “aura mastery” but unfortunately they got instant PoM that is only good for RBGs.

this thread is quite fishy towards melees

I cannot understand why they will give this 4th PVP talent Essence to priests (PoM) while again to super rogues give Smoke bomb. A class which has the most utility in the game, the best crowd control and they keep giving it even more.

their first thought is always what would be fun in pve, not caring what could happen in pvp, as proven many times

Here’s what they said a week ago:

The chosen abilities in PTR data are not final. In particular, the ones that would clearly be overpowered or problematic in PvE (such as Leader of the Pack) are generally cases where the final decision of which PvP Talent to give hasn’t yet been made.

The primary goal of Conflict and Strife is to provide an interesting choice in PvP by allowing access to an extra PvP Talent. It’s not necessarily going to be a strong option for PvE. The acquisition of this Essence is via PvP, and is totally optional for PvE-focused players. While there may be interesting PvE uses for some of the choices, it is not expected to be a strong competitor on usual PvE criteria (like total throughput) on every spec.


And since they made like a dozen spec changes to the Conflict and Strife Essence a few days ago, it seems a bit silly with the doom & gloom.

In the case of this:

One of the changes was to replace the Rapid Mending talent with the Holy Ward talent for Holy Priests.
And the Leader of the Pack talent – which they used as an example – was also changed; to Thorns.

So PTR is PTR. Complaining as if it’s final is silly. Go test it and give feedback if you feel there’s room for improvement.

Healer representation has 1 or 2 outliers.
Holy Priests perform consistently worse than all the other specs across all Seasons and Expansions.
Restoration Druids are arguably an outliner since they more consistently perform decently or remarkably well compared to the other specs, currently and historically speaking.

Once you look at healer representation over a longer period of time (i.e. several expansions), then those seem to be the only 2 outliers that stick out.

We complain so as not to become final as it is.

I agree, but all this is just a true statement. The fact that it holds as a statement doesnt justify the reason why things should be like this.

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