Why Horde win AB

literally any and all versions of the game horde > alliance in pvp. not a single version of this game exists where this isn’t the case, maybe except for dragonflight, hell i wouldn’t know… probably same-faction bgs in that garbage game, just to remove that last bit of “toxic faction rivalry” for all you carebears out there.

You are forgetting the horde triangle of farm lm bs, which is just the best 3base setup in ab, and its not even close

Yeah, the cave should go, its ridicilous how unbalanced av is in favor of horde

In my case horde mostly lose.
So can I already say you suck?

Your fake bias is not everyone’ bias.

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I have lost multiple ABs while having like 3-4 shamans. if enemy is noob then they are noob. its not a shaman thing.

as tall human you probably oversaw short gnomes. as rogue I dont even try to stun them, they resist or lasts only a millisecond. waste of energy and combo points.

they moved the cave in the NOCHANGE classic btw.
horde was still rinsing alliance despite them now having an overt advantage in map layout.

its probably going to happen in SOD as well.
they’re going to move the cave south and you guys will still be losing AV, and then move the goalpost to something else to justify your losses… i already have my bingo card ready, and you already know “shaman OP” and “horde racials” are on there…

EDIT: oh, and of course “buff pala omg i quit” is on there too…

horde is gonna dominate AV because of having 1 more caster (shaman), and maybe more healers (alliance priest mostly just want to be sexy shadowpriest, no heal)

They only moved the cave in tbc i believe.

Even without the cave, the map is still better for horde.

You denying it makes you look like a rtard.

change your name to “worstplayer” it suits you better.

Yeah, i thought so.

You are also one of those that are denying that horde always had better pvp racials, arent you? Typical 0iq zugzug

i’ve seen your posts around these parts. consider yourself lucky i responded at all.

I’ve played this game for almost 20 years (with breaks) and played a lot of random BGs.
Believe me or not this level on imbalance is a SoD P2/P3 only thing and it’s not even close. I can safely say that in almost 20 years of retail I have approximately 50% WR as both alliance and horde. It’s clearly not the case in SoD since P2.

gonna need something better than anecdotal evidence if you hope to actually convince anyone that this is not true.

Well do you really think horde has that hyper inflated WR accross all the retail iterations? When most players actually play both factions?
There were numbers posted at some point in the past and it was pretty even.
SoD right now is far from that and the only thing you can observe in BGs is horde is stacked with premades while alliance has none. If you don’t think it’s a factor then idk what to say.

PS: I don’t think it’s due to shams, racials etc… I’ve played a lot at the beginning of P2 and the winrate was even.

Yes, i believe that.

Well I’ve had pugs vs pugs where we won 5-0 in AB but as soon as we start encountering XyzTV with his double healer friends and 2 other small teams it becomes strangely unwinnable.
Again I’ve never had issues on retail.

ok but that is anecdotal and nowhere near the average pvp scenario, m8.

You’re not losing ABs because of shamans, but I do guess we all need to cope with something, so go ahead.

Every AB I lose on my ret pallie is because mentally impaired people not calling incs or because 3-4 mongoloids decide to afk at ST if they lose the fight at BS.

Now, why does Horde win more often? Very simple. Horde players are forced to group up to reduce queue times and do everything they can to not waste 25min of queue in the case they’re solo queueing. This has created an environment in which the side with instant queues just gives up after the first engagement while the other is minmaxing all they can to make sure they win.

SoD is playing identically as to how 2019 Classic played. It has nothing to do with classes or racials, especially in the case of AB in which a couple ret paladins can singlehandedly win the BS engagement if they have a shared IQ of 10 which, admittedly, is rare among their kind.

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Encountering horde (small) premades in SoD is the average pvp scenario, it’s very easy to check, you simply have to count the number of teamleaders. I do it everytime and everytime there is more than one on horde side. On alliance however it’s quite uncommon.