Why Horde win AB

One class! Shaman.

I played a shaman in 2019 and as an ele we were allready strong.

Set forward 5 years in sod the shaman class is outrageous. They seem to have a toolkit for everything.
Nuts burst instant burst , purge , freedom , earthshield on an ele ?? Hello ?? Riptide on ele hello?

Really tanky , strong healing. The shaman class is complelty bonkers and needs to be nerfed to the ground.

I havent lost an AB since level 50 and ive pkayed maybe 20 games… and its most likely because shaman is just bonkers.

Can we have a balance reajust please ?


I really do think its because of how ab is structured. Like horde have so much easier time holding farm,bs and lm because its such a short way to run and help bases. Can even just hang around the road at the bride area and just run wherever they need help.


2 reasons :

1/ OP horde racials (Orc stun resist is beyond OP in PvP)
2/ shamans : nothing to add here. They need to be nerfed into the ground. Lava burst and freedom has to go

Maybe alterac will be more balanced (or not ,haha)


It’s only because horde forms small premades to bypass queue while alliance doesn’t because they get instant queue anyway.
It’s a SoD only issue that started appearing after the P2 matchmaking change.

In the end it balances the honor farming potential of both factions.


At this stage, do you honestly think anyone on the sod team can count past how many fingers and toes they have?

Horde win because Horde are better. Next question.


if im honest i played some the other day, and won a couple and the couple we did win, people actually called stuff out and played objectives, the games we lose are either clear premades which have more organistion than randoms. or because people litterally have no idea what they are doing or how to play there class. the answer to winning blacksmith is not charging in then running of 5 steps back and let them take the flag and not even fight on it

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Copium. Pure reality is that they lose it because of paladins, they engage early, use bubble and then they semi-afk until bubble is back, but also because they play for kills and not for objectives. You will lots of times see AB without shamans on horde side winning just because of 1-2 heroes running to the same place over and over and keeping 10 alliance in 1 place where the other hordes just focus objectives.

You can flip the starting point in AB between horde and alliance, you can prevent shamans from entering AB and horde would still win. We will however lose in AV where the map is strongly favorable to alliance.

Exactly this.

People whining about orc racials and thinking this is the reason they loose should start learning how to pvp in classic.

Horde has a way easier time to hold LM BS and Farm. They can rotate between them way quicker than alliance can with Stables.

Strangely horde is that much better only in SoD.

Or you can fix the matchmaking algorithm and/or prevent premades from entering BGs and the winrate will be back to what it has always been for 20 years of retail: approximately 50-50.

That being said if you play during EU office hours as alliance you will mostly encounter pugs, have a drastically increased winrate and can even complete the quest that requires 5 bases.


Its the meta that is to fast and the punisment of A resist gets more punished then it would normaly

Ally can hang around bs, STB and mines tho

Dude have you even ever set foot in a AB? XD

ST is shorter run from base than Farm.
LM is shorter run from alliance base than horde base.
The only one that is actually not shorter run for alliance is BS, and even that one is balanced.

to be honest, that all did make me laugh.

Post on your paladin.

just 2 more posts, come on, you can do it!

2k posts in 6 months challenge so close to be completed, come on, just 2 more!!!

Hooooooooooooooly I didn’t even notice! I should go and buy some champagne, but it’s raining outside :frowning:

Only noticable advantage horde has in AB is due to map layout, horde gets to BS faster - so they have a better strategic placement (alliance can counter this by splitting up and boxing in horde, one group attacking from back or from leaf building).

Paladins are extremly strong in AB, more so than Shamans in P3. P4 Ele shaman might start craping on everyone though.

Horde vs Alliance racials, Orc one is indeed BIS(and by far the best in game).
But Dwarf is second best, and is often downplayed. Shadowmeld as a hunter is extremly good. And when 2-3 people focus you - one Will of the forsaken wont make much of an impact. Racials matter in smal scale PvP like 1v1 - 3v3.

Reason why horde has a higher winrate in BG´s is due to that if you soloq as Horde you´ll have to wait 40-50 mins in que - if you 5 man que you get insta games. So Alliance soloq´s are facing one or several 5 man Horde premades per game often - or one Alliance 5 man premade with soloq vs 2 Horde 5 man premades and solos.


we’re at the point where complaining about shaman simply means you’re admitting to being a bad player.

the fact we have alliance players squealing in delight when shaman catches PVE NERFS should tell you enough.

paladins are omegabusted in pvp btw. maybe address the fact that they can clap multiple people from inside their safetybubble with no counterplay.
invaluable asset in bgs like AB where they can stall the flag solo.
you are bad if you can’t win AB, simple as.

P.S Your faction members are downright BAD at pvp. this is a you-suck issue and not a shaman-op issue. they are back to glass cannon status. throw a slow at them, shoot them twice with autoshot from a hunter and they drop dead.

can’t wait for you guys to cry about muh cave in AV as well.