Why I cancelled my subscription

I thought jahoda means strawberry.
Who knew, that you are wrong. :smiley:

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Why would they need to give you anything because of your sexuality?

As a Psychology major, maybe you should read into entitlement.


Bugs, yes. Always. But I can’t say I find Shadowlands either unusually or unacceptably buggy. More detail about what you find unacceptable might be enlightening.

Marginal? I think the story is bad, in many, many, many ways. I think the story is worse than bad, since it has poisoned previous story as well. But “marginal” is an odd word there?

This is a very legitimate problem, and not just for you. I remember a heartbreaking case of a newcomer who had grown very attached to his character around level 20 … an Alliance character on Twisting Nether when it was a PvP realm before CRZ.

I understand why Blizzard don’t WANT to highlight the various problems with realm selection, but new players have no reason to believe they should choose one realm rather than another, so they mostly don’t go looking beyond “New Players” label. They should get better guidance, or at least the opportunity to know that they should look for information first.

If you applied to Blizzard for a job and didn’t get it, though, that’s not an issue forthis forum.

Uh what? ‎‎

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No :smiley:
someone lied to you my man
first word is potato and 2nd word is strawberry

Nah trust me its 100% correct.

a few of my work friends once told a portuguese chap that in england everyone greets each other by saying F*!k*!g B*stA!*d" he went around for about 3 years saying that to people with biggest happy grin on his face.


I hope you are trying to troll me :smiley:

My knowledge of the slovakian/czech language clearly is vast as i have demonstrated.

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Imagine what a delightful world that would be if someone did warmly greet you with an enthusiasic “Potato!” and say farewell with a cheery ‘Strawberry’! I’d find that strangely lovely…

There already is a Czech/Slovak realm. Yes, it’s not officially marked as such, but still, Drak’Thul is basically 99% Czech/Slovak.

Side note, as a Czech person myself though, I must say that the Czech/Slovak gaming community is in my opinion the worst gaming community on the planet, and I like that they mostly concentrated into one realm that I can avoid.

Moving realms is really not that big of a deal. I moved realms multiple times, usually starting 100% fresh, and it really wasn’t difficult.

And what the hell is the outrage with the job? Are you just mad that you didn’t get a job at Blizzard? Playing the victim card with “it’s because of my sexuality or disability” really won’t help you, and it’s not very nice.

Lol. These words mean something else. :sweat_smile::rofl::joy::call_me_hand:t2:. But yes. Jahody are great with cream and champagne.

Yeah lol. Like my guild.

Why? You don’t like beer and hot chics? :beers::beer::wink::thinking::woman_judge:t3::dancer:👯‍♀.

Saw the vulpear hunter guy who claimed his sub ends in january, still making posts on the forums.

See you in 9.2 i guess.

Don’t worry. They already did, ther was like 5x milion times people like him

true but remember this sun was supernova… then it became just nova and now is a small sun like all the others… water pistol or not…

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