Why is Blizz butchering Sylvanas?

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Sylvanas is truly amazing. She currently can be found in Undercity, Silverpine ( various locations ), the Embassy, Andorhal, Orgrimmar Embassy, Grommash Hold etc and she is always honest. She is the only leader that actually took the time to ride with me on my own and explain her plight. She is magical and if you are interested in fantasy art is one of the most prolific characters featured. She stands head and shoulders above any other in this game. In truth if they do anything to this woman they will be destroying so much.

For me if they do twist the dagger I can take comfort that there is so much of the pre BFS nonsense that will have to exist that features her. So I will still be able to enjoy her strong leadership and calming ways.

’ Dark Lady watch over you ’


It’s gonna be so funny if the reason of new personality is the Azerite…
With BfA the most leaders act Strange . I hope that this is the answer.

Hahaha its just too good!


Jarmaine really got it.

Sylvanas is not some sort of fetish, with people morbidly going after her because of [stuff].

She is evil - she knows she SHALL go to “hell”.

But one thing is knowing a character is evil, another is to appreciate the massive depth of how that character plays.

Look at most other leaders: they are dummies or they are one dimensional guys who believe to be the Paragon of their nation.

Not Sylvanas. Her complicated life creates an endless amount of ispiration to see her do ever different things. Mostly bad things, but still worth a story.

Extreme examples are the most effective ones. :rofl:

No, not really. I didn’t care about her at all in WC3, She is just a whiny elf and has always been one, even since she was alive.

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F them, the forsaken never were on the same path with the horde. They just allied with them cause it was convenient to have 1 faction that didn’t butcher all the undead. Sylvanas had 1 goal in her I guess “afterlife” and it was to make Arthas suffer.
Arthas died and Sylvanas had nothing to do with it, so she killed herself. This is where everything changes to the weird path she is on right now. For some reason Valkyries side with her and resurrect her and she wants to become immortal. WoD, legion and other stupid stuff happen and we find azerite. I guess Sylvanas thinks it is the answer to make her immortal or something and here we are.

I like how destroying Sylvanas is the thing you are worried about. Blizzard has a mission to kill warchiefs as fast as possible. They made Garrosh a bad guy for some reason, killed Voljin for some reason. I hope they go different path with Sylvanas (3rd faction) but I have to say it looks bad atm.

Also destroying characters and the lore is what Blizzard has done in last couple expansions. Illidan was the victim in Legion, Garrosh was the victim in MoP and they will probably bring back Arthas very soon to f he’s story.

Edit. I’m sorry for anyone who didn’t know that Vol’jin is dead since he still seems very much alive in the troll starting zone. It’s a ghost of the past times and he’s there because Blizzard is lazy.

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Idk what the thread is about tbh.

sylvanas been blizzards favorite character after thrall :joy: only reason she’s still “breathing”

Assuming anyone saw the Baine cinematic, it did kinda put me off Sylvanas but I certainly don’t want wet blanket Saurfang. I just want Vol’jin back mon :frowning:

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My opinion is that what many people dont understand is that Sylvannas was like that, it was just on the backround. Even on Thralls Horde (Golden age for Horde) its not like she stopped killing people aroundSilverpine and claiming things for her Agenda.

She was just operating in the shadows, and has been brought to the front seat now.

Its like if Mathias Shaw was crowned High-King.

All the guy knows is assasinating, spying and planting bombs on ships. Of course he would run things the way he knows

Sylvanas is doing that

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That one is easy. They love their humans like Anduin and Jaina. And they hate Sylvanas. That’s why they throw her infront of the still fast driving bus.

She was terrible twisted character from the beginning, don’t act like she was owner of nobel prize for peace.

I think they’re doing quite well. Nathanos is a great character too. Very three dimensional and unique. They should add Mion to the game too.

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What would Mion do?

You are lying to yourself. Lmao

Oh I don’t know, what other relevant gnome characters do for the alliance.

Probably attempt to subjugate and enhance trained Murlocs to act as shock troopers wearing special emitters that make them self-destruct.

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Like how they made the infallible god king Varian back in mop…

Christ this really is a repeat of mop.

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He is right she is their favorite character the only thing that changed is their focus from side character to some super cringe version of kerrigan.

If they hated her as you say she would be dead by now, but doesn’t matter you are elf fanboy you will always complain about the hooomanz and the orcs.

Favorite characters aren’t villain batted in order to become a future super evil character in order to be axed out in some cutscene or raid when they go too far. Favorite characters are Protagonists that are meant to be heroes. Funny enough, all those that fit that description, are the alliance aligned Christie Golden favorties too. Baine, Jaina and Anduin. THAT are your protagonists Blizzard wants you to identify with.

Rightfully so! Humanz are a plague with far too much screentime.