Why is blizzard ignoring DH?

DH is Weaker in every aspects than any other melee, other than mobility.


Because they have a new baby - disguisting dragon abomination.


DH tier sets look so bad since legion.
Blizzard is shadow banning DHs, while druids and mages get everything after a little bit of crying.

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I will try to give a valid answer:

  • hard to balance due to how different vengeance and havoc are
  • Hero talents that cannot work nicely for both

Therefore imo we need to make 3rd hero spec then make one only for havoc, one for veng and one shared. Right now both hero specs feels meh. PvP for DH is simply bad an easily worst melee for it. Tanking is probably the only one where it excels and aoe dps isn’t bad

The approach they seem to be taking is by balancing other classes through nerfs or buffs and then wait to see how it plays out for DH.

We don’t have mobility either because we use it to do damage.

Havoc is a bad joke, it needs huge buffs.

I find it hard to understand the state of DH right now. In every other expansion, DH was, at times OP, or average, but now they are just bad. I can’t think of any weaker melee in both pvp and pve, in every type of content. There is no use of them, except maybe for one Raiding Guild that pushes which wants Darkness for some reason.

I don’t believe they can’t balance it because the class has only 2 specs. Feral also has 2 specs and I don’t see them complaining (especially in PVP, the silly class that kills you in less than 2 sec!!!)

I genuinely believe that whoever is in charge of DH at blizz, just doesn’t look at the data of how bad the class performs. Is bad for all range of players, from new comers to veterans.

I just want to know why they let this happening(???)

Completely ignoring the class, they just don’t care. Either way tomorrow is PoE 2 release so lets see

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