Why is blizzard ignoring the community on dungeon finder?

When? I do not remember, but the only revard I’ve gotten from achievements - apart from titles - was the Violet Protodrake and fast riding.
Of course I’m not representative,but it takes only one to falsfy this statement.

The violet proto drake is not related to raid content. I’m talking about and only about the raid content.

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OK I never had any Proto Drakes as reward for doing Raid achievements. So i did those after ICC and only for the fun of it - happy now :wink:

EDIT. I can’t give you more “when” than this, as I cannot see my main in Armory. He is on another account, I do not play any longer after making this for Classic.

  • Keep LFD, Dual spec, Race and Faction changes in Wrath Classic (but not at launch)

  • Give 2 Era servers for TBCC

  • Let the RP servers survive.

Its not a matter of being “happy”. Is that RDF is one of the elements that turned wow into a seasonal game where you raid only the most recent tier and not the previnous ones.

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he is not wrong trust me i know that because i’m testing wotlk on private server and making routes for blizzard release and it is basically the same game

Difference being
Pre Legion classes were and always will be more fun to play
they had hear in them they had style they were cool people who did design loved playing them…
now post legion is more mechanical more math so it fits the end game of m+

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Not really, just a small loud minority who can’t be bothered to play a community based game. Don’t want to to look for people, talk to people to make an effort? Well too bad, the game doesn’t work that way. Except retail that is.
Social aspect is essential in older WoW and LFG destroyed that, even though the game has a million other issues.
It has already been said, if you want 0 social interactions, Retail gives exactly that, 98% of the game doesn’t require you to say a single word and hands everything on a gold plated utensils.

And yes, random BG finder is an issue, it would be so much better if the only option was to pre-form groups like for dungeons. I suppose similarly to RBGs in retail. It’s all about community effort in every aspect.

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The whole catchup system is not related to RDF. Players used and will use premade groups for nonheroic Pit of Saron runs, because badge farming is much faster this way. Removing RDF will not change anything in that regard.

You should use the main argument “cross realm hurts socialization”, because all your other arguments are more or less weak.

That only a minority is for the RDF in wotlk is nothing but a baseless claim. All polls we have up until today say otherwise. Furthermore, why making an unfaithful change, if noone knows who many are against a feature in the first place?

The effort is the bulletin check, the /inv whisper and the gear- and achievement-check and either getting an invite or getting ignored. If this is your main social experience within a dungeon run or in world of warcraft overall, I have to inform you that this time consuming gatekeeping that has nothing to do with socialization.

Its correct, that the social aspect is important in vanilla and even later in guilds, but if you are against the “million other issues” too, you should keep playing vanilla.

You can play 98% of tbc without social interactions, too. I have played with many players in dungeons that typed “inv” and their role to get an invite and didnt type anything more than maybe “gogo”, “water” or “poly star”. Having RDF or not will does not change how much people want to talk to other players. In the end, to get a reward, players will still have to play the content with RDF or without.

You dont seem to see the reason why the bg finder and dungeon finder were introduced. Besides gatekeeping being an issue, finding groups was impossible on low pop server most of the time and it was even worse for low level dungeons. Without the crossrealm finders, you werent able to play most of the group content.
Crossrealm itself is the most problematic thing of the feature, since you cannot add players you meet to your regular friend list and play/queue with them again. However, usually its better being able to play and meet random people, then not playing with other players at all. Without RDF most players will play much less dungeon. Especially while leveling it is easier and faster to just play solo in wotlk. Without RDF, finding a group and traveling for dungeon in between a leveling session is that much work, that most players will just skip that activity. Even today on the biggest tbc realms, there are barely any groups playing a casual dungeon while leveling and none on the low pop servers.
How can not playing with other players at all be more social than playing with random players? You can still talk to them, you can laugh, you can have fun, or like most, just play and enjoy the dungeon without typing all the time. Its up to you. But without RDF. the amount of 5man group activities is much lower compared to having RDF.

Regarding rated battleground premade groups, there is a reason for them to have lower number requirements. Because otherwise on most servers it will be too hard to actually form groups of players on a similar skill level or outside peak hours. Cross realm groups had to be introduced later, because too many players could never play the content.

For the most casual “mmo” entry level content, new players need to find their way into the game. It is ment to meet other players and gear up. If they are never accepted because of gear in battlegrounds or max level dungeons, they wont socialize at all and are more likely to quit the game, because they cannot play with other players due to the gakekeeping. Not everyone has the time and endurance to keep manually searching after not getting invited again and again. With RDF, if the invite pops, it pops, if it doesnt, it doesnt. Players can use their time to play solo content until they get into group content, without having to deal with the named issues.

RDF is not the best tool in the world, mainly because server pop imbalances and crossrealm restrictions exist, but it actually enables more players to get into contact and have group activities with other players.


It does, but LFG is far worse, it is the root of many problems in WoW. People have been so conditioned, so brainwashed by Retail’s and modern ‘‘convenient’’ game systems that it’s the only way they can function a players. It’s sad really, an extreme disconnect from what used to make gaming great.

Loud individuals on forums and a small group on your insignificant polls against millions who either don’t want LFG or don’t care. Not really baseless.

Not really no, it’s a part of the game. The very act of looking for people is the game in addition to regular activities. I doubt a retail andy like yourself would ever be able to accept it, not that i expect you to. Retail is that way —>
Besides, it’s funny, because since the very beginning of TBC, every group i’ve been a part of people talk all the time, coordinate CCS and such. Perhaps YOU are the problem, not the game. The way i see it, yours is the kind of mentality that turned Retail into a stinking pile of trash it is today.

Indeed you can, but that’s not how it is played, just like Classic. Not to mention you cannot get anywhere in TBC without social/community effort, heck you cannot even gear up to any reasonable level, yes, even in random BGs.

Ah, and here it is, that Retail player mentality, you actually think ‘‘gatekeeping’’ is an issue, when it actually isn’t.

A completely separate, unrelated issue.

That’s no justification to destroy the game’s identity as LFG did.

Lack of players or otherwise playing on a dead server is a server issue, unrelated to the subject at hand. And it’s ironic you’d make this claim, because there is exactly 0 social interactions in LFG, same as lacking players to socialize with on given server.

And what gives you the impression it’s supposed to be easy? The game has always been chaotic, people who want to play with others of the ‘‘same skill level’’ have friends to do that with, otehrwise - well too bad. Its a social, community based game.

Except that never happens. You can join guilds, communities who will run you through max lvl dungeons and raids to gear you up and then you can be a part of their raiding team. You don’t quite because no one accepts you, that’s a YOU problem, you find a community that suits you.

But it doesn’t, since it’s basically a simulator, you can replace those players with NPCs and you’d get the same experience.


Millions? How many do you think plays classic really? It certainly aint anywhere near millions of people.
Secondly. The existing polls might not be the very best, I can agree on that. But they are existing polls that favours the pro-RDF side hugely. Extrapolate from that, as they do in any poll really, it should still be quite a huge majority for RDF.

Honestly. That crap argument seems to be the best you guys can come up with. That and

Which is so very far from my experiense. Sure it has happened that I’ve found a group that actually talks a bit. More so earlier in tbcc and less and less the longer time went on. Lately not so much (read not at all).

RDF alone did not destroy the games identity. Besides, the key word here is did. The game it’s players isn’t the same as it once was back in original tbc. The game itself is extremely well known by everyone these days compared to back then, and on top of that it has recieved #somechanges and nerfes.
And for the players most of them (us) doesn’t play in the same way we did 15 years ago. Part of that comes back again to how well known it is. There’s no mysteries left to uncover, wither in the world nor regarding gearing/numbers/minmaxing.

Sure. You could turn it into a simulator of sorts and make it group you with npc bots. But it really doesn’t you know. It does in fact still group you with other players (that can choose to talk or not to talk).

You realize the LFG tool encompasses retail as well?

Relative to the WoW’s playerbase as whole, it’s still an insignifcant minority, one i hope never gets listened to only because it’s about LFG.

An experience that changes depending on each group member. Nothing happens on its own.

Oh but it did, or at least, the issues can be traced back to LFG, which was only the beginning.

It’s not ‘‘could’’, its is that way because that’s the result of LFG.

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Oh my bad. I was under the impression we were talking about classic here. I’m terribly sorry.

But if you want to drag retail into this it is my personal believe that there would be a vast majority in favor of RDF, doubt most retaliers would want RDF gone.

And that is really what all of your other points are. Your personal opinion. Every single one of them.

You dont understand my main point here, the main argument against RDF. Its that cross realm is harmful to making friends, since they cannot be added later. RDF is be more convenient for group finding, but the social interaction and the gameplay stays the same. Its only the invite process thats different.

Thats not a fact, thats your assumption. Thats why it is called baseless.

It was also part of the game that RDF was introduced, so thats not really a point. Calling me a retail Andy doesnt make it any more reasonable, since I hate retail wow. Wow classic is made to play past expansions as they were. Now you are telling people to play another game if they want a faithful recreated classic game.
Btw. calling cc targets isnt socializing. As long as the content is hard enough and its necessary, players will make these calls, RDF or not.

Whats your point? There is no rule “how the game is played”. You can play social and wotlk and not have any social connections in tbc. Its up to the players, while you are right that the tendency to be more reliant on connections was more important in vanilla. Without going into detail now, wotlk isnt vanilla. The game changed. The focus changed. You have a vision of vanilla+ for wrath, because you dont like the whole game design of wotlk. But instead of telling those who liked wotlk and want to play it again to go elsewhere, maybe its you that should consider passing this experience, if you really dont like how it was.

Today in tbc, try to find a group as a low geared rogue. Thats the point. You will struggle because of gear and class. Just because you are not aware of it or ignorant, doesnt mean the problem doesnt exist.

How is this a completely separate and unrelated, when it was the main reason the feature was introduced back in the day? If you dont even know why the RDF was introduced and which problems it addressed, why are you taking part in this discussion?

The games identity, as you see it, was destroyed patch after patch, because the game changed over time. Wotlk is not vanilla. It was much more casual and easy going, RDF or not. Just having no RDF wont change wotlk much and it wont make retail a good game. Its just that the RDF fixes multiple issues, that you try to deny they exist.

As said, the RDF tried to address the issue that players on low pop servers could get dungeon invites outside peak hours. It isnt unrelated.
Additionally I really dont get why you think that the only social interaction in dungeons is the group search and not playing and interacting with the players in the dungeon. Thats the main part of the game and that stays the same with RDF. You think it will change, but it doesnt. Your argument ends here.

Yes, those who dont have the time to search 30+ min for a 20min dungeon dont deserve to play the content. Just get friends its easy. If you arent fully committed and play at least x hours a day, you should just quit.
Its great that you feel accomplishment in forming bonds and investing more time in a game than others, but these people want to play the game too. Blizzard understood this and made it easier to get right into action. You hate them for that, because you think these players should play like you or quit the game. All these players you despise for wanting to play group content without committing too much time and Blizzard back in the day think otherwise though.

Again, not everyone wants to play the vanilla lifestyle you prefer. Maybe they want to play wotlk how it was ment to be played. Its not the players that have a problem with wotlk, its you that doesnt fit in the game anymore. If its not changed to your liking, you wont enjoy the game.

This opinion is stupid at best. Its like thinking any auto-matching team game like e.g. counter strike or league of legends is basically a singleplayer game with npcs. Of course, if you are in voice with your premades its different, but we are comparing RDF groups with another group of complete strangers, that just happen to get an invite in the same group. They are not best buddies, they are as much strangers to each other, as they are in the RDF group.

You are unable to see the reasons why the feature was introduced and your reasons against RDF are more or less that you think that players with RDF automatically become mute bots compared to other random groups. This is a questionable opinion, but not a fact and far from being a good argument. The other thing, that you think RDF makes the game too easy to access and players should invest time and form bonds before they should be able to step into action, is another questionable thing. Why would a new player join a random community he knows nothing about? Usually you meet people in group content, like in dungeons, then add them to your friendlist or ask if you can join their guild. It might work the other way around like you suggest, but people tend to first want to get to know someone and if they have fun together, then form bonds and join guilds.

My advice to you: keep playing on a vanilla classic era server, because you like the game much more than the original wotlk and the wotlk classic to come, with or without RDF.


Dont worry, you wont be able to raid ICC the first week anyway.

yes indeed. go back to your cave now

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