Why is Blizzard still trading in Russia?

[Moderator Note: While we do appreciate that our communities have an interest in this topic, these forums are not an appropriate location for the discussion. Thank you for understanding.]

Many companies have pulled out of Russia.
I have no hate for Russian people, but the actions of the Russian state in Ukraine are unacceptable by any civilised standards. Why are Blizzard still operating in Russia? Does profit matter more than morals?


I don’t understand the question.


hi, we just had one of these threads turn toxic.

Probably best to avoid this subject and get back to gaming.


Or maybe the player base should be putting pressure on Blizzard to stand up for what is right.

Burgo, are you aware of events in Ukraine?


Okay, you carry on. I’m staying out of this one though. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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you think it’s ok to quietly stand by while genocide happens - not me gov, i didn’t pull the trigger

Should McDonalds still be trading in Russia?
Should Marks and Spencer still be trading in Russia?
Should Coca-Cola still be trading in Russia?
How about Starbucks or Heineken?

They all thought it was right to stop trading in Russia.

I seriously question, should i be paying a subscription to a company happily ignoring world events as long as the money rolls in


And you think EU forums is the perfect place for that? Well good luck I guess.


Oh I have definitely not stood by quietly.

Just read the thread that was posted yesterday.

This is a horrible situation, and I have many IRL friends who have suffered through this and are still suffering through it today.

I have done my part to support my friends and their families and their countrymen. So don’t make the mistake of thinking that I am standing by quietly.

I have just learnt the lesson that it’s not good to be talking about this sort of thing on a gaming forum. Lets stick the game.

Happiness is stepping out of this thread.


If you want stop trading in Russia, why not in US ? Israel ? Saudi Arabia ? China ? …

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But they aren’t though. You can’t buy anything with russian currency.

As did Blizzard. A while ago. The russians that are still playing are doing it due to paid in advance gametime. Blizzard cant just go “nah you cant play anymore despite having paid kek”. They cant use the ruble to buy stuff from Blizzard. At worst you have some individuals that are doing it through a wonky currency exchange.

I say put a certain marker on russians and if they’re not with putin and they’re against him give them a green marker but if they’re with him give them a red marker.

I don’t think they sell on russia anymore do they? But they still allow tokens to be claimed?

I don’t know exactly the situation, but i agree. Even if i know a really nice Russian, i don’t think it’s right that they are happily playing an mmorpg while their country turns the world into chaos and murders innocents. It’s not ok.

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Mhm. Totally going to work… Not. Please enlighten us what would prevent them from saying Blizzard “putin bad” while saying and believing “putin good” irl.

They dont. Tokens purchase has been disabled as well. It wasnt disabled at the start of Blizzard shutting down ruble trade tho so a good chunk of their gold was poured into tokens.

So in answer to the OP question, they aren’t still trading with Russia. That’s good to hear.

I don’t see it that way.
If Blizz leave Russia it will punish the simple people NOT the goverment.
If the Russian people feel what their goverment did is wrong they gonna fix it. Not the companies.
Also as Goblin i support money.