Why is DK nerfed every patch?

I think they had no idea how to properly design DK for this expansion, so they made unholy significantly easier to play than last expansion by removing the dmg from their active buttons and putting all of it into Dots and Riders pets, while unholy already had enough pet and dot damage prior. So they ended up nerfing Unholy a very questionable amount of times in a row even after it not being great anymore and Frost ofc too for good manners, while it was barely scratching A tier prior to the first nerfs. I posted on the class forum how to actually fix DK and make it fun to play again. Ofc theres a lot of other things possible in addition like giving them a mortal strike effect.


its a meme " nerf dk "

this forum hates DK, so good luck with that

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I feel like the meme is 90% ironic at this point. But anyways with my suggestions its more likely that people on this forums will have less of a problem with DK because random 1400 players cant pick it up anymore and completely destroy your average 1800 caster without even finding their buttons on the keyboard.

They should nerf DK’s micro cc and i think that’s it. Otherwise Unholy and Frost have a lower winrate than BLOOD. It’s so weird. Whenever i run into a DK in BG blitz i feel safe no matter what class i play, because they just can’t kill me.

Unholy and frost are nerfed yes.

However blood dk is one of the best specs in the game rn and has a S++ tier comp.

So saying dk is bad is factually wrong.

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what comp is it? Asking for a friend.

Bm hunter blood dk mostly with disc/hpal

Works pretty well with outlaw rogue/feral too but it’s not as good as bm.

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it’s #1 on the nerf list don’t worry. resto druid is probably #2

Yeah well Dk and druids should be conditioned to that by now.

Mage rogue and warriors not so much.

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DK didnt need nerf at firstplace

They nerfed it because low thinking people was complaining how is OP, offcourse is OP if those people completly disrespect DK go and dont use a single defensive in opener nor trying to escape nor trying to CC.

Funny part is that dk would still be middle of the pack at best without the nerf. Blizz just never knows what to do because they don’t care about their game so they pick a random class to nerf like dk or rdruid


Now wait untill army of locks will come to say how op dk was and now its balanced.

Problem is that the game is balanced arround average player , not top (At AWC dks got destroyed and feral, mages and rogues own. And guess who avoided the nerfs).
And average dk eats average caster alive.

But still dk’s transmogs are great :slight_smile:

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Nah, pre-nerf Unholy was absolutely gross.

The issue is that the class as a whole is still horrendously designed and even at its strongest, where it’s no-diffing wizards with literally zero counterplay, it still instantly folds to physical damage.

Their anti-caster toolkit and damage can simultaneously be too strong while they’re also too weak against melee. That is a state that they can exist in (the latter of which being an issue that the class has had for over a decade now).

I agree, pre nerf Unholy was gross for sure but not stronger than Frostmage,Feral, pre nerf Aff and certainly not fun against Warriors oneshotting you. On AWC level Pre nerf Unholy would still not be winning any matches. However thats also why i said its way too easy to play at lower ratings due to it doing 80% of its dmg almost passively, and its main “skill” defining stuff from last season like wound damage or even something completely ridiculous like having 30% more GCDs pressed than a worse Unholy DK and still doing the same dmg as them due to your core kit doing 0 dmg.

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Blizzard did some questionable decisions when it comes to both casters and melees. They buffed mobilty on almost every melee, double grip with increased range for example, or giving arms double charge and stormbolt with other micro ccs. Then they had to introduce precog. I dont think even they know what they want at this point.

I actually got the unpopular opinion that cc this xpac and mobility are completely fine, precog is too. The main issue imo is actually just class balance, which might seem too obvious but if we didnt get pvp tuning in 2 months on season 1, where balance is always not great then it just happens that they randomyl decided melees would do significantly less pressure and dmg than they usually do (outside of warriors and enhance shamans who do a high amount of dmg,burst,pressure when they manage to connect) but its literally not a macro issue, its DH being undertuned,DK being undertuned, WW monk and Ret being alrighty but definetly not bc of their dmg, SV hunter in a similar position. So they juts dont have the pressure they did last season + combined with the insane root spams of frostmages and even druids or hunter traps they end up not being able to move for most the game and not doing enough burst when they connect. 25 sec deathgrip as the only gapcloser for example vs every class outside of SP that are standing still, is absolutely, most certainly, not something that is too strong and if it does feel too strong your bad at the game.

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