Why is everyone [OOC]?

I like randomly mousing over people to see how many have TRP and all the little fun bits of info. I’m happy to see a fairly high portion of people I run into (at least 1/3, maybe even more?) seem to have TRP at least installed.

The thing that bothers me is 90% of people I see seem to have their [OOC] flag set. Why?! Do people spend all their time questing or in cities OOC, only actually being IC for events or something? Because that seems kind of boring…

I honestly forget that toggle is even there.


Do you keep it toggled on or off though?

Being toggled [OOC] allows you to not be tracked using the TRP tracker.

Ortellus pretty much nailed it, when I’m out doing content, I am not doing it as Brigante, because he is not the ‘Champion of Azeroth’ So I am OOC, I tend to do WQ’s and stuff OOC during the day (Man I love being able to decide my own working hours) and then RP in the evenings, when I am totally IC. I -think- this is a routine many follow, the evenings is when you RP, this said, not everyone may remember to switch their status…


He isn’t the champion of Azeroth?

You could’ve fooled me, what with all the raid markers you’ve conquered in the name of the Horde.

A rather disingenuous question, but no, he is not THE Champion of Azeroth.

Not, I suspect, a difficult task.

You’re not very good at this roleplay and suspension of belief thing are you? Would be fantastic if we could represent -everything- with toys and trinkets, especially in the air, How does that work again?

Tell me, how is the Roleplay scene on Ravencrest, you seem awfully invested in Argent Dawn…


it’s positively booming ofc

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I forget half the time that I’ve put the OOC toggle.

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I have had to be reminded to turn it back to IC and that is during events I am both attending… or hosting.
I generally prefer to keep it IC, though. In the slim off chance for any random RP in quest zones. I figure most people will be able to tell the Watrus character and the Watrus player avatar are seperate entities!

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I keep it toggled off whenever I’m in the new zones because if I’m there it means im doing content and don’t want people to approach me for RP.


That’s actually kind of sad… Do most people feel this way?

Personally I’d love to be interrupted while questing or doing dailies for RP.

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Sad? Not really.
Imagine you’re queued for a dung, arena or battleground and someone interacts with you. It would be rude to just suddendly disappear mid-interaction, wouldn’t it?


To be fair, I have myself set to whatever MRP’s equivalent of IC is (probably just In Character) and never get approached more than a quick emote when questing, usually a nod. I don’t think people are wandering Nazjatar looking for long discussions - and even if they were the chances of meeting them in the right phase are very slim.

It is nice to have those little interactions, I’ll admit, but I do sometimes wonder if they’d happen regardless of my add-on status.

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Mainly I just have [OOC] toggled when I’m OOC, it’s that simple. If I’m RPing with it toggled on, it’s probably down to forgetting about it.

I mostly forget about it. Except on Cro, I am OOC on her most of the time because IC, she’s in a ditch somewhere. Alive, just about, but not killing rares for rustbolt rep or whatever I’m doing on her.

I normally don’t touch it but when I do, it’s because well I don’t plan on interacting with anyone and rather avoid awkwardly moving away from someone if I’m busy. I find it a bit rude personally when people are roleplaying whilst in raid/dungeon queues and vanish on you -after- they had approached you. So I don’t want to do the same onto others.

And if it’s on when I’m actually roleplaying, I’ve probably forgotten about it. Quick whisper/poke telling me so often fixes that though.

I do place myself OOC when doing content or when I have to AFK. I often do forget to turn it off and on again; getting the whisper telling me I am OOC. Which I am often very thankful for.

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I always have/had OOC tag on. It’s incredibly amusing to see the guild freak out and ask me to turn it to IC.

That’s just evil.