Why is everyone such a princess?

Ooh I forgot the other category, people who only wanted that boss. Some are only after specific loot and will drop in and out of raids as they see fit.


Why would you lose time with those people?

Just kick them and then kick their friends. Redo the full group if needed, do not play with leavers or trash talkers.

People who actually want to do the boss and earn their reward, will stick to the raid.
The ones who just want an easy rush doesnt even deserve to be invited.

You forgot to put /rant over at the end.
It does sound very relatable though

What’s wrong with princesses?

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As one’s opinion of one’s own skill, value and station grows, so does one’s skin thin down to paper.

They may be genuinely good players but they’re terrible people.

Or people who joins expecting to be carried, and when they realize that they wont be, they quickly move on to the next group to leech on. :hugs:

I like princess’s

Because it says so on my t-shirt.

Hmmm, If I get the drop I want, I figure I owe it to the team, to stay 'till the end of the raid.

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I wish raiding was way more winged like in LFR. Even with a system that you open wings by killing whole wings. More shortcuts needed, and not after 5 kills of mulitple bosses.

What’s wrong with princesses?! I have to act like one, otherwise I do not get enough clothes as presents on my birthday!

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Omg, this video is epic.

Just get a raiding guild bro.

Pugging should be illegal as it’s mental self-harm.

34 replies to a thread about Princesses…and no-one had posted this?!

I know it’s end of Xpac, but you lot are slacking!


Because at this point in the expansion there shouldn’t be a talk about tactics , it should be a quick run and done.


When someone cr8 “fast run” “zerg rush” and “link curve” and then half of the raid do a simple mistakes and wipe ofc most of the players will quit and will never wait “better tactics”.
Same with M+ keys when players with experience join a group thats do small DPS or have no clue what to do ofc they quit and join another.

No, you just wipe and say “we can do this” and finish the run with 10 minutes out of time.

:+1: (10 chars)

Yup :rofl:

The life is to short to take it slow.