Hi, I was leveling my alt, when this max level rogue started spawn camping me for like 10 min. He one shot me all the time, and /laugh at me… why is this so fun, and why laugh at it at all? I’m sure he would’ve been mad if it happened to him.
Why do people find ruining the game for others fun?
Yeah, I know it’s not against TOS, but it still ruins a lot of new players experience if it happens to them. I’m not getting mad over it anymore, because I’ve been ganked too many times before, so it’s normal to me while leveling alts.
I’m still going to keep WM on, because I like the rewards, but I just can’t seem to see why it’s so fun.
Have you ever head about the rule called ‘Name n Shame’ ?
If not,i advice you to remove the image link.
On topic,its funny to do it from time to time when you are bored or you have nothing better to do at that time.
Just try to imagine the face of the other player behind the screen ruining his/hers leveling.
Is there any way to make imgur pics high quality for mobile so I can zoom in without downloding their app?
But let me guess… its a blood elf camping you right?
Ive been camped by blood elves so much that its just better to wipe them out of the map no matter what level. They might /wave at your 120 but when you log on a low level alt, its not surprising if the same blood elf kills you and spit on your corpse.
If you as an alliance see a low level blood elf, I advice you to summon an asteroid and destroy the elf and every lifeform within 5000 yards and move on. You have propably saved a few alliance players time from being camped by an elf. Or killed them aswell with the asteroid, I dont know. Its better than being camped by a blood elf.
Why would anyone get mad for being PvP’d in a PvP mode?
Lol! Yes, it does look like a blood elf. A female blood elf.
Is that really a thing?
I rarely pay attention to the details about who I get ganked by when Im lvling. I just ress and resume. Once upon a time it was possible to log my main to deal with them, but these days, all my toons, even though they are on the same account and same server, seem to be on different shards.
cause its one of the few places where even though you can feel the carebear scaling its not going to save them from things like the raid trinket which does 120k aoe spread between all tagged players.
Yep, blood elf females are behind a majority of people ganking my low level characters, so I prefer to use my azurite beam on them.
Ganking is part of the game. Sometimes you are the predator. Sometimes you are the pray. Just the other day I was flying in Hellfire Peninsula for the children’s week quest on my low alliance ilvl hunter. I decided to relive my ye-old days of ganking people there. Killed a bunch of lowbies. Then 2 120s jumped me and killed me. Then I flew to honor hold where 7 120s were ganking alliance lowbies. Died a bit but managed to bait a hunter and a DH to follow me on top of a rock. I the proceeded to blast both of them off the cliff with explosive trap/bursting shot and watch them plummet to their deaths. This is the nature of war mode. I haven’t turned off wmode in a LONG time. The moment you accept that this is how it goes you will be a much happier person. Win some. Lose some.
You get it. Acceptance is something that they find difficult tho.
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