Why is Green Fire still not account-wide?

The questline to obtain the Green Fire spell effect for your Fire spells was added to the game several expansions ago, yet it is still tied to one single character.

I wouldn’t mind it too much if the questline wasn’t unnecessarily long, and also of practically zero difficulty which makes it nothing but a grind and a chore. I have done it on two different characters so far and I do not feel like running through it a third time.

Isn’t it time to finally make this option account-wide at this point? After making every race being able to be Warlocks and adding a bunch of new customization options for your demons, now seems like a great time to adjust this.

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Isn’t it obvious?

They don’t care about warlocks or the people that main them.

i’ve done it on like 10

I don’t think this is true. But it should be a relatively easy fix since so many other things are being made account-wide these days.

I miss glowing green affect that it gave you once you had full SS. I think they should of time gated it after MOP ended as now everyone has it.

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