Why is griefing not punished


I have just played my 5th game with the same warlock that afk’s when he is on my team. After a few days ago I played with him ones and he found my healing insufficient. Now this gets me wondering. Why wont blizzard do anything about griefers. I play healer in solo shuffle and there is so many of them. I would say at least half of the games I play include someone losing it and just intentionally losing the games. This is a clear separation of people that just make mistakes that is fine I am specifically talking about people that actively and maliciously make other players their experience worse.
However it makes healing additionally frustrating if you are stuck with people getting one shot, you being massively cc chained or people simply for whatever reason trying to actively sabotage the win. Resulting in longer queue times for dps as I already am personally aware of 3 people that just gave up on healing or even WoW because of this.
I always liked pvp but I don’t think I can renew my sub anymore, LFG is completely empty and the rating is deflated and in solo shuffle it is a stream of abuse and griefing.
I think we can also conclude that right click report function doesn’t work for the player experience for griefers.
This is because when people get frustrated they will type “mean words” and this in fact gets you flagged in blizzards system very quickly
I just don’t understand the priority, why griefing is so much less important in comparison. Why does actively ruining other people’s time in any game mode not get you any punishment but “mean words” which is extremely easily solved by right click ignore a huge problem and gets people suspended quickly.
On top of that I think this system gets abused from personal experience by people that think you are not good enough especially as healer. As I have received warnings after games in which I only call the target I think we should focus on…
I am sorry for the rant but this is kind of my last attempt to make someone at blizzard see reason and take action. I hope y’all are more lucky then I am in your games and have fun.

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