Ok beyondurlvl. How about let’s decrease honor gain. Lets make it even harder.
Let’s make it so you need 400 hours per piece and see how happy you are. I dont mind, i can play more than you anyway. “Dont enjoy playing pvp” Yeah lets see how you like 400 hours of PvP per item then
People might want to be relevant in Arena, a activity that is similar but alot different from BGs. Being “forced” to do activity X with people just as little invested as yourself, over a longer period of time, simply is demotivating - especially knowing that the context itself isn’t where you want to be or why you are doing it for.
Even if Heroics > Raids is the equivalent to BG > Arena, getting 4 people to farm with you (friends most likely, but even randoms) is easier and much less, much much less, time consuming than going to BG with 9, 14 or 39 people who don’t want to be there for days and days to be able to have a fair chance.
A fresh level 70 can, with some luck, gold or community, enter 2-3 hours of Raiding and exit being relevant and ready to compete/take on the next challenge. In PvP however, you can’t, but are forced into a endless pretty bad thought through grind of honor.
I understand people who want somewhat faster honor, I really do, even if its not in my interest.
Many posts say that the honor gained us completely wrong. The honor gained per kill is a joke compared to how it used to be. 20 times lower sometimes in fact. Blizzard screwed up so hard.
But atleast you know you will get to your item sooner or later in pvp. If you have bad luck you might never get your item at all from a raid or a dungeon. I know people personaly who have ran Grull since the first week and havent seen DST drop even, if you played arena since the first week even if you suck and lose every match you will have gotten so much arena points that the only things locked out would have been the gear that was locked behind raiting.
A fresh lvl 70 have no place in SSC or TK in reality they should atleast start by getting some tier 4 gear so thats atleast 1 more hour probbably 2 and a whole lot of luck followed by even more luck while also being carried, and if you have enough gold you can buy yourself a place in a good arena team and atleast get a lot of your arena gear fairly quickly as well.
Because we are in 2022. In 2007 most of the players didn’t killed Gruul/Magtheridon before months. So, PvP gear was easier to get than PvE gear for most of the players.
I can remember the “LFG X for Karazhan (NO PVP GEAR)”
In PvP there is no competition & RNG for the gear.
The honor gain per kill is right. Everything is right in TBC Classic.
I don’t want to bring all the proofs here but if you really need them, i will.
If they implemented PvP drops in Heroics and Normals, my bet is more people would farm that way and most items would take less time/item. Im not saying they should, just highlighting that atleast that offers a carrot and initiative to be active - as to being more or less stranded in the hands of others.
Look at Badges as an example. Most people have no trouble getting 100+ knowing they hold their faith in their hands. We are talking about 12-13 scenarios (Dungeons) with 4 people, compared to 3 (or 4 with AV during weekend) with 9-39 randoms just as disconnected as most others > per character.
30 DST tries about 20 min per attempt/week (is 10 hours in total) for a forever BiS item. PvP Honor gear isnt even BiS when you finally get it ^^
Like said, I do understand the people who feel its more creative to watching paint dry than invest days on days of mindnumbing content just to even have a chance to outlast a CC or 2 burst spells.