Why is LGBT representation important in WoW?

For me there are 3 reasons why I like the inclusion of lgbt characters in the game.

One is because it makes the universe of wow feel more inclusive. Its an rpg so you’re meant to immerse yourself into this universe. And its a lot easier to see yourself actually being able to exist there when there are people actually like you inside the wow universe.

It can seem like youre a bit of an outsider when there is no one like you in the game.
For those who just play the game as a dungeon or raid only game I can see why they would not care about this stuff. But thats not how I play.

The second reason I like it is because its a sign the real world is changing for the better. Being lgbt is no longer this horrible thing to be ashamed of. Its becoming more accepted. Even if some people on the forums seem to show the opposite.

And the third builds off of that.
The more people who see lgbt people in media just being normal people, the more normalised it becomes. If kids grow up and see stuff like this, it will contribute to there being less homophobic people in the world, and make it easier for people to be open about their sexuality.

To some, the inclusion in this game might not be a big deal, but it does contribute to making the world a better place and I think that is a good thing.