Why is LGBT representation important in WoW?

To know that the very game you love at least acknowledges the existence of your “kind”.

I personally dont care about it whether its in or not. But that would be a reason.

Because in some, not all, countries the rights of lgbt people are not well presented yet alone their existence. Or while laws exist they are still not properly protected by the government in terms of people going after them. This however varies heavily from country to country and also the region you live in.

Its not. At least imo. However it doesnt hurt the game that it exists.

Cant answer that since my take on the debate is neutral.

It hasnt. However im naturally cold.

I live in Germany. At best i get gazes (if at all). Nobody would voice direct hatred or disgust at me for me being of a certain type as it is punishable by law. My family doesnt care. And as i said im quite cold in general so i dont care much (however i lack basic emotions such empathy etc. I am quite literally not able to feel it. I can however try to imagine/understand it based on the information provided and on theory)

The amount of people that know my gender are pretty much non existent and those that know dont care and if they would have an issue with it then i would simply put kick them off my friendslist.

Its fine. It doesnt have to be more.

Mods doing their job and removing/banning people more often. From both sides.