Why is LGBT representation important in WoW?

There are parades because there are laws that discriminate against these people, of course they want to draw attention to it. :roll_eyes:


The 70’s say hi…bloody hell.

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You’ve already gotten some pretty solid answers, but I wanted to chime in and reply to your post as well. :relaxed:

I think representation of the LGBTQ+ (and mintorities in general.) is important not only in WoW, but media as well in order to share and tell the stories from the perspective of said group.

Media representation matters because we live in a society where factors like gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc influence our lives and the experiences we have, and the issues that affect us. If the same people are producing and representing roles in video games for example, only certain stories from the perspective of majority groups get told. When the minority and less privileged group is depicted by the majority, it tends to be in a very stereotypical and narrow manner.
An example of this is often how LGBTQ+ is represented, more specifically gay men. They are stereotyped to be very feminine, flamboyant, promiscious, dramatic and over the top. In reality however, that’s not always the case. It’s important that it’s represented in such a way to show that the LGBTQ+ isn’t the stereotype that many of us have grown up to hear about.

If I were to have children, I don’t want the only characters they look up to to possess none of their physical qualities. Just as poor media representation has the power to instill negative prejudices and stereotypes about groups we don’t identify with, especially with youth.

Also, not to mention that representation is a sign of society moving forward, and that stories from minorities are not only being told, but actually heard. Sometimes this is for the better, sometimes the worse (As we’ve seen on the forums lately) But they are being heard.


I actually can’t tell if he’s just trolling or whether he is this misinformed.

I actually support this.

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What are you on about?

Amsterdam gay parade is one of the most fun things to do in Amsterdam.

Even if you’'re streight…

Go out sometime, really.


Hey Alanìra, thanks for your input.

Can I ask a follow up question to this?

Because this is exactly my experience from the media and since I don’t know any LGBT people IRL, it really gives a one sided imagine to me as it’s all I know. Often, not a very positive one.

My image from the media is exactly that and in addition people (who aren’t even LGBT) that defend/spread LGBT influence are often identified as social justice warriors with very aggressive and offensive arguments.

So my question is, how accurate is the media image of LGBT people to an outsider like me that has no familiarities with LGBT people?


He said and got flagged by extremely tolerant lgbt fanatics right away, hahaha :smirk:


That what actually triggers me about some individuals.
Everyone is bad expect them.

Surpire of the surprise she has not been flagged.
I pity her children.

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Personally speaking, the stereotypical image the media represents of the LGBTQ isn’t very accurate. Sure, there are a few who decide to say «f*ck it, I’m gonna own this stereotype anyway.» as in a way to reclaim their identity, if that makes sense? It’s a little hard to explain unless you know these people personally. One of my bestfriends is a gay man, very feminine, he loves makeup and sewing, and he totally owns it. But is in the stereotypical way? Not really. He just happens to be gay and love makeup. That’s it.

I also think the reason some tend to react so strongly and end up being branded as «pissed off SJW’s» is because they are exhausted from the lack of empathy and understanding. Many face prejudice from a very young age, mostly from the people they deem closest to them. Experiencing verbal and physical abuse for something you have no control over will of course contribute to someone lashing out in different ways to protect themselves, regardless if that is online or in real life.
And let’s be honest here, it’s very easy to just brush off someone with some simple name-calling, rather than actually listening to their stories and emphatizing with them.


There was a time where Witchcraft and spirituality were seen as satanic.

Over time we introduced magic to the world through music and art, through gaming and tv shows. The world is now more acceptable to the world of the unknown arts.


I know you didnt ask me but im going to answer anyways.
Most gay people i know aren’t flamboyant or anything at all. Nothing stereotypical about them at all. They’re just normal dudes.

I think the only thing stereotypical about me is my love of musical theatre.
Other than that I dont wear makeup or anything, no pink clothes, I hate pop music, I’m not sassy.

The stereotype is kinda stupid and outdated.
I think I’ve only met one person like it in my whole life


Thank you!

This actually makes a lot of sense, and I can definitely relate to that level of anger personally 15 years ago when I was a teen even though that had nothing to do with gender.

I would argue that the lack of stories is perhaps the main cause of opposition towards LGBT.

Possibly the lack of good ones, but I guess that’s the media at play again. No one wants to hear about a LGBT person that had a normal uprising and never got bullied.

It’s the angry traumatized one that makes the news because they are lashing out.

Sucks :confused:


Pretty much. The person who is traumatized tend to become a laughing stock and easy target as well for those who are more narrow-minded. It’s sad.

I want to hear from the cishet community, why they feel that the representation they are getting World of Warcraft is a meaningful and positive thing.

It’s incredibly disingenuous to suggest it was “flagged by extremely tolerant lgbt fanatics” with no proof and considering all the pro LGBT threads are flagged as well.


Why are you playing the victim? You have been trolling, insulting and harassing people over multiple accounts all morning and afternoon, and now you are offended that someone called you out on it? What a rat.

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Spirituality was not seen as satanist or even evil given that a lot of religious leaders considered spirituality as their defining virtues, unless we are talking about insane zealots. Perhaps you meant spiritism/spiritualism which deals with communicating with dead people or something like that.

Occultism which is what I assume you are talking about, still has Satanism as one of it’s branches. So nothing changed there I think.

Lets try to not bring arguments from another thread into this one.
All it will do is make this thread about that.

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The normal adult thing would be to not care/not mind what small things a dev put in a video game. Even more so approval from a old video game forum.

Petty is a word that comes to my mind in this situation.