Why is Mastery bad for dps?

I was just wondering why is Mastery such a bad stat?
Currently i am running demonic build…and the 2 most important
attacks that are pure chaos damage (mastery) is Chaos Strike and Eye Beam.
So why is mastery ranked as the lowest stat?
If we increase mastery…we essentially increase CS and EB damage…no?
Could anyone explain why mastery is bad for demonic build?

EB and CS don’t make up near enough % of our total damage to make stacking mastery worth it.

It’s better to buff all of our damage with the other 3 stats instead.

Demonic Build is more about getting as many DS’s as possible tbh. CS and EB are great but DS outclasses them.

Sorry…but i dont know what DS stands for…i don’t see an ability with DS. Please elaborate.

Death Sweep. I guess BD would’ve made more sense here :stuck_out_tongue:

They should change blade dance/death sweep to do chaos damage instead of physical.

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But then it’d have to be nerfed a lot to compensate for the huge damage increase, or the mastery would have to become worse to compensate. What we have now works fine, we just need more stuff to make the gameplay a bit more exciting.

CS/Annihilation is usually your #1 spell in ST fights. EB and Fel barrage on AoE fights.

It’s not that Chaos Damage sucks for us, it’s that Mastery doesn’t give enough.

One stat being trash compared to the others isn’t ‘fine’.

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It should be Blade Dance on ST closely followed by CS, with Fel Barrage and Blade Dance on AoE.

Edit: With good RNG CS can sometimes outperform BD but it’s not as often.

Not trash, just ~25% behind the others, at least in my case. I’d say it’s pretty nice to have all stats relatively close together instead of having to avoid one altogether.

Looking at most ST fights for the top people in BoD it’s usually Annihilation/Chaos Strike that’s at the top. ( Adding their % and comparing to Death Sweep + ToR + Blade Dance )

Haste gives more dmg to eye beam than mastery as more haste means more dmg ticks over it duration.
I think vers gives more dmg to chaos strike than mastery does.
Mastery is actually an ok stat if your smashing down packs of mobs with eye beam and fel barrage but still behind others.

They should fix it though. I mean in Legion, Crit/Mastery was so good combination. Now we can get so less from mastery that its a shame and we have something like 16+% mastery by default…

Hasta makes your eye beam cast time shorter, dmg on eye beam is the same regardless of haste, the dmg change based on haste that u mean is applied on barrage, where on most haste you throw more ticks.

In Legion it was a good combination for some reasons:
1- crit was the main stat-chaos strike crits, half fury refund.
2- Chaos strike was the main dmg spell (that only changed in ToS with the blade dance/fb+tier)
3- Absorbing souls reduced eye beam+chaos nova for 5 secs, so with decent procs you could have about 80% meta uptime in a raid fight in argus

In bfa the half fury refund was changed to 40% baseline, and chaos strike dmg got quite nerfed compared to legion, that’s why it’s not worth going for mastery

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There’s no reason to build for AoE, though, in M+ you go barrage and melt face, whereas in raids most fights are ST.

Mastery is horrible.

Critical Strike
Off Hand Weapon DPS

Those are my stat weights from 3 weeks ago ( minor upgrades, if any, since ). Keep in mind I have almost no Mastery on my gear, and it’s still far behind the other stats I have an abundance of.

What are those stat weights for though? I’m not saying mastery is a good stat for everything, I’m saying it can be good. If you run a sim with frequent adds and fel barrage as I’m talking about the value of mastery is much better. I like using different gear for different scenarios, for example a fortified week with fel barrage talented and your eye beam cd reduction from azerite then mastery gear is good. ALSO!! It’s makes you run really fast :smile:

No, annihilation is your most damaging ability pretty much always in st.

Even at high gear annihilation beats out death sweep in st, death sweep is in 2nd place.

If you look at the damage meter and only those 2 spells yes, but you’re forgetting Trail of Ruin.

Blade Dance also costs less fury.

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