Why is otterwordly ottuk unable to use dragonriding?

there is 0 reason for the otterwordly ottuk to be locked out from using dragonriding. out of all mounts, what makes it so special that its not allowed to fly at 705% speed?

my theory to why it cant is because it has the extra swim speed bonus by 100% which would make it the only flying mount able to swim fast, run on ground and fly with dragonrdiding. so to make it less wanted and special they make it unable to do so. If that’s the case, it’s a really dumb reason.

a really cool mount that is rewarded through lots of grind and time should give players something nice in return but apparently not.

Probably not the reason, becasue Aurelids (the white tentacly things from Zereth Mortis) actually can both dragonride and swim faster :wink:

M guess is that it was simply an oversight but adding it isn´t currently a high priority, as anybody that has the OW-Ottuk has litearally 500 (or was it 600?) other mounts to choose from :wink:

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