Why is Shadowlands still not Legacy Loot?

So in Shadowlands’ 9.1.5 minor patch, Battle for Azeroth was enabled to have Legacy Loot on when you’re level 60. Which was 1 year after Shadowlands came out.

We’re now at the 1 year later mark for Dragonflight, and it still isn’t enabled yet. They added LFR, which can be solo’d. But, it isn’t worth doing that at all since it might give you nothing at all if you’re alone.
With 10.2.5 announced, and SL legacy loot is still not on the list. Why? Whats keeping them from just giving us this? Why was BFA so special that it was added “early”. Please, I need my transmogs! And the chance of not that many items dropping is very demotivating. We shouldn’t have to wait an entire extra expansion to go in and grab old items.

Here’s ANOTHER problem with something legacy loot related, this one is in Legion.
Artifact Relics still drop, despite being absolutely useless and just as “good” as looting gold since thats all you can do with it, sell it.
Please remove them from the loot table so we don’t have to spend even longer to farm what we actually want. I’ve tried having a boss drop purely just relics.

That being said, its pretty much the same thing with Tier sets. Back in Legion we had Tier tokens with Master Loot, which was nice since it allowed more then potentially 1 person to get an item. So what I’m proposing is to re add Tier Tokens for Legion so the loot tables aren’t near infinite because of class and armor type no longer mattering for the items.


Sadly the previous expansion isn’t eligible for legacy loot, but as you mentioned we have had exceptions. I wish they would change that practice.


That is true, when they first announced Legacy Loot, they mentioned you had to be 10 levels above the instance’s level. Which would be 71 for Shadowlands. But them enabling BFA basically set expectations that that is how it’ll be from now on. So why was BFA an exception?

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20 lvls - ( 2 exapnsions ) to make loot ( and content ) legacy

Forget Shadowlands. BfA raids still aren’t soloable on mythic due to sheer amounts of boss HP and mechanics that require more than one person. BfA, at the very least, should all be soloable by now but it’s a low priority for them. Before the level squish, it used to be that you could solo after every other expansion. Now you’ve got to wait until another expansion has passed before they even bother to go back and change it.

We’re going to have to wait until Midnight before Shadowlands becomes soloable and Dragonflight won’t have legacy enabled until we’re at the end of the World Soul saga. Hell, Legion only became easily doable on mythic for all classes this expansion. And last time I ran Tomb KJ was still a PITA for some classes, 7 years later.

It’s incredibly annoying how little attention they actually give to legacy content. I blame it on certain figures at the company who only care about getting players to instanced end game content because that’s all they do as a players themselves.


They are definitely soloable. Exceptions are those bosses with abilities which resets the encounter / gives high damage reduction in case only one player is present. (Conclave, rastakhan, ghuun, etc…)

They are not soloable sadly, many bosses have mind control and 99% damage reduction mechanics.

bfa isnt legacfy loot either

Both Legion and BFA still need looked at for solo

Eonar on mythic is pretty much impossible due to the spread and volume of mobs

Kiljaden on mythic is doable if you have a class with good movement, but could be more forgiving.

Half the bosses in BFA are nearly impossible

What about Eternal Palace raid from BfA? Can you solo all of it on mythic?

It wasn’t BFA that was a special case, it was SL in so far as it was losing players at such a rate that Bliz were trying their best to try to keep players in the game. There was a content drought, so they decided that giving them legacy content might help.

I agree with you on Legacy loot dropping Relics. I’m not sure legacy loot should drop trinkets, rings or necks either. You’d have to have some option to turn it off though to allow players to farm old gear for Timewalking / Mage Tower etc.

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I think technically it’s like 11 just so that the previous expansion is exempt.

OKAY. Eonar is very easy if you get down the timings. I can do it on First attempt and i have a priest char too that I do it on. 0 problems there. Eonar is 10x easier than mythic jaina for sure xd

Easy in all other difficulties but not mythic

If they just dialled the frequency of the spawns to the heroic level it would solve the problem.

No ones doing it for the the fight anymore so…

Btw, is BFA now on Legacy loot?

Yes that was done in 9.1.5

They encourage very positive interaction though between players in a way that current content doesn’t

next xpac they’ll raise legacy raids difficulty to current ilvl so u need end game current gear, only thing left to do so they milk our game times to max

Participating in dungeons and raids 11 levels or lower than the character level will activate Legacy Loot Mode.

Bro. I do it weekly on 5 characters on MYTHIC. Why would i do her on difficulties below mythic if it gives nothing of value to me. I do mount runs and like i said. Its piss easy for me. All you have to do is know where to go. Its that simple…