Why is spreading Flame Shock so hard for elemental?

Why does it have to be so difficult for elemental shamans to spread their DoT? I am not 100% sure, but i think shamans are the only class in wow who have a CD at their main DoT. why? and why does Liquid Magma Totem only spread 3 Flame Shocks? all these difficulties in spreading the DoT while shadow priests can apply 2 DoTs from one button with no CD, and shadow crash applies DoTs wih such an ease.


Because unlike SP that “cleave” a % of their damage, elemental shamans cleave a full ST ability that has a guaranteed crit.

And there is a ton of synergy with Lava Burst and other talents. Such that the more flame shocks you have, the more lava burst you have, the more you cleave them… and your rotation becomes LB…LB… LB… and nothing else. Both in ST and in MT.

Therefore, if you could instantly “shadow crash” flame-shock and cleave all those Lava Bursts, elemental would be OP beyond imagination.

However. If you nerf lava burst, or make some mechanism where you cleave a % of the ST damage…

Then it would simply be a SP with mail using different colored spells.

So blizz got themselves in a pickle design wise.

And I hope the changes for WW adress this issue. Haven’t had a chance to test it yet.

Doesnt liquid magma totem do 5 flame shocks?

they have ways and it is already implemented for some thing that you only get a slightly higher proc chance with more flame shocks to make it not a 1 button spam fest.

but to be fair, they dont know in which direction they want to go.
technically it wouldnt matter if you have 1 or 5 flame shocks if the lb proc isnt changed much, but there are talents like magma chamber that wants to you spread as many fs as possible, but generally you just cannot spread fs quickly.
ele has some very clunky ways like surge of power or lmt or pmw. Not a single good one.
either remove magma chamber or just make lmt 20s cd and spread 5 targets.

if you dont want to make ele reliant on fs, then they should just do it. remove multi target proc chance, make the dot do miniscule dmg and remove magma chamber and other talents that interact with fs

Its 3 targets only now.

Its honestly rly good just now, you can LMT to get 3 out, PW which applies and then makes your next flameshock hit 2, thats 6 which is the max, have fire ele out first and it lasts like 36 seconds or something, plus it refreshes on everyone when you trigger ascendance either through on use or DRE. So unless you somehow get zero luck with DRE generally each pack only requires you to apply flameshock once.
The problem though is that when they change the tier set from what it is just now it will severely lower our DRE proc rate most likely to the point where you cant rely on it to refresh flameshock for you consistently
Not to mention is has zero synergy with the lightning build

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