Why is Thalyssra called the first arcanist?

The title says it.
What is the explanation behind of the title the first arcanist?

Azshara when she met Thalyssra said the following, however.

“I know who you are, rude little Thalyssra. You presume to refer to yourself as “First Arcanist”? How… ambitious.”

Someone explain please.

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I think it’s more a rank than claiming to ever be the first ever arcanist to exist. Elisande was the Grand Magistrix, and the First Arcanist would be her right hand. The Second Arcanist would be the one below Thalyssra in the chain of command. The Third would be below the Second, and so on and so forth. Like the Chain of Ascension for the Tal’darim in StarCraft 2.


I also think Thalyssra avoids the title of Grand Magistrix to avoid association with Elisande’s government and madness.

Azshara: You would presume to challenge my magic, Thalyssra? Allow me to demonstrate why you never ascended to Grand Magistrix.
I can abide the ignorance of your companions, but you should know better than to defy your rightful queen.

Now, these words make sense, thanks!


Glad to help! :slight_smile:

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I wish she would just take the title of Grand Magistrix already.

It’s like a Vice President becoming POTUS but then refusing to change title, because the last POTUS was a bad, bad man.

I get the sentiment, but it’s still cringe. Literally the one and only thing I dislike about her character.

With that said, she’s one of the best things to come out of WoW in recent times.


Same logic can be applied to Lor’themar not wanting to initiate a new Theron dynasty for the Blood Elves.

She’s probably taking the lead from his example, even more so now they’re a sort of couple.
If either of them do choose to ‘ascend’ it will likely be done in a joint ceremony for both city states.

Now that would be worth a watch. Let’s hope it’s not one of those sub-plots that literally takes 5-6 years to develop (I’m looking at you, Loa Voljin)

Perhaps she is now Grand Magistrix, but sees her title in the magical circles to be more important than her political title. Similarily to how many military dictators, such as Augusto Pinochet or Miklós Horthy, were referred to by their army ranks rather than their actual titles.

Azshara: You would presume to challenge my magic, Thalyssra? Allow me to demonstrate why you never ascended to Grand Magistrix.
I can abide the ignorance of your companions, but you should know better than to defy your rightful queen.

after these… idk, if she can be Grand Magistrix

“First” is a simple seniority title for Nightbore. The highest ranking arcanist in Suramar will be the “First Arcanist”. When Thalyssra betrayed Elisandre, there was a new First Arcanist appointed.

All similar to the “First Blade”, who is the highest ranking spellblade in Suramar.

I am really surprised that people are confused about it, given that there are regions in Europe that are literally led by First X.

I mean, Nicola Sturgeon isn’t the first Scotswoman in existence, is she?

No, that’s Ruth.

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That little reference from Azshara about Elisande did make me smile.

It shows that Azshara never forgot about the Night Elves/Nightborne who stood against her.


Yep, let’s hope they stop pretending to be self-depreciative in the near future. They’ve already taken on the mantle of leadership for each of their respective races, it doesn’t really sit well that they refuse to take on the associate title.

Even if it is just a symbolic gesture at this point, it would give them both more direct authority and I doubt either would have that many serious detractors who would be opposed to an elevation in status too.

I know in the case of the Sin’dorei, first Kael’thas refused to take the the title of King out of respect for his father.
Then at a later point his successor Lor’themar states,

“Never again shall a king reign in Silvermoon.”

Nevertheless, I still think it makes no sense why at this point he would continue to deny himself the title. My only suspicion he holds true to his word and this Spartan ideal, is that he still thinks there might be a chance he could pass the leadership role to someone else to unburden himself of the responsibility and go back frolicking around as a farstrider again.
It’s not like his closest compatriots and immediate rivals would object to him furthering his career prospects, …in fact to my understanding they’re actively trying to get him to crown himself king. He just lacks commitment to the role he’s already undertaking.

However, in the case of Thalyssra it’s more understandable and nuanced that she hasn’t immediately elevated herself, considering the events of 3rd Legion invasion are still relatively fresh timeline wise. To provide some justification, I’ve speculated some thoughts below on why this could be the case.

Firstly, we still don’t fully know how someone is elected to this position and generally speaking who has the authority to do so and if it can be done unilaterally in the event of an absence of leadership. Many key leaders of Suramar would have been lost during the events of the uprising. The process is unclear, if there is some sort of tradition to be followed, in order to legitimise and cement her claim officially.
Most likely the position was one appointed via Aszhara and proceeding Queens (& Kings/consorts?) of the Kaldorei Empire.

Also, it’s worth considering that Thlyssra might even despise the title or view it as redundant or even backward thinking to some extent. This is if in her point of view the title of Grand Magistrix is in some form associated to a posting that had responsibilities tied to direct control of the Nightwell, and until recently, their cultural reliance on it.

Considering the fact she has been actively demonstrated to be trying to remodel the direction of the entire Shal’dorei civilisation away from it’s dependency and traditional shortcomings, there could likely be a train of thought that would be inclined to distance herself from the position and a perception of stagnancy in order to help promote a new and more outward looking point of view.
The re-discovery of the Arcan’dor trees themselves and her hand in their cultivation alongside the PC (and Theryn) at the end of the Suramar questline are shown as a viable alternatives to sate their magical addiction. Her decision to let the Nightwell die would be another example of pro-active change and break from tradition.

That said, I’m sure that many Nightborne would still prefer to hold true to a lot of their traditions rather than forsake them, including the title of the one chosen to lead them.
With the level of political intrigue shown to be going on amongst the noble houses and those that survived the rebellion, there is a risk that a failure to secure the position for herself could invite a rival claimant who garner enough political influence and support to challenge her authority more openly the longer a power vacuum appears to remain.


That is part of the reason why Thalyssra joins the Horde.

Regardless of what she was like, Sylvanas still allowed each Horde race to carry on with their own traditions. Hell - every Warchief has done that.

Strength, Determination and Individuality. 3 core traits that the Nightborne hold extremely close.
Now, some might say “Well the Alliance would allow them to do that. They allowed the Void Elves to join.” That’s true, but just like the Highborne Shen’dralar, when they joined the Alliance - they fell under Darnassian law, which set out clear rules to what they could and couldn’t do. Hell, before Wolfheart, they weren’t even allowed to cast spells in Darnassus.

That’s like Blood Elves joining the Alliance, but when they go to Kalimdor, they can’t use the form of magic that is their birthright. Blood Elves, like Nightborne, don’t approve of having their traditions and individuality, tarnished. It’s why the Nightborne work on the Horde.


This isnt entirelly true. The reason the Shen’dralar fell under Darnassian law is because they specifically wanted to rejoin the Darnassian night elves and not become members of the Alliance as their own, minor faction.

The void elves joined the Alliance as their own faction and on their own world they have their own rules, but in Stormwind they have to follow human laws, as everyone must. Same with a nightborne in Orgrimmar.


It is just a title of prestige something like prime minister in our world,it does not mean she is most powerfull magician or anything like that just very high in social status.

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