So, i will talk about some experiences i got in TBC Woltk and mainly in Cata Classic;
I i did a lot of dungeons in these 3 expansions, and i dont know why, but i feel like players in these have literally no chill.
Like for example, i did a Vortex Pinacle during my leveling i was level 84 and i was queing the randome normal dungeons to get some more xp and do my quests.
In dungeons i generaly dont read chat because i have other chat tab opened for talking to friends.
So i was doing the dungeon, all fine but then, on last boss, i got kicked, i was very confused, why kicked? So i went into the tab for the dungeon chat to see what was going on.
And i saw that one of the person in the dungeon asked me a question, that i did not read because i had not the dungeon chat on seen. And because i did not answer, the guy acused me of being a bot for around half the dungeon. Which made me be kicked…
Like really?
Then another one, i was in a random hc dungeon, and the guys were very rushing it, and again did not see chat, and they said something about a teleport on the elemental room of Halls of Originations, i was confused i did not know any teleport except the one where the boss spawn room.
Anyway, i went to that one and teleported and i instantly got insulted of being “brain dead” and kicked.
I mean, really? Its just a random hc dugneon, why are people wanting to crush them and cant accept that there is some players that are not aware of their rushing technic? It feels like they want to time it as if it was some mm+ but on classic random hc…
I am very wondering whats going wrong with this community, it feels like, if peoples spend more than 5min in a dungeon or if they are not answering they instantly get mad and kick you.
Now i feel like if i dont read chat i will get kicked, but if i do read the chat and take the time to answer and read i will also get kicked because i am not doing dps…
It is just me or its how it is? Because, i mostly play retail and i dont have these issues there.