Why is the Classic Community so weird?

So, i will talk about some experiences i got in TBC Woltk and mainly in Cata Classic;

I i did a lot of dungeons in these 3 expansions, and i dont know why, but i feel like players in these have literally no chill.

Like for example, i did a Vortex Pinacle during my leveling i was level 84 and i was queing the randome normal dungeons to get some more xp and do my quests.

In dungeons i generaly dont read chat because i have other chat tab opened for talking to friends.

So i was doing the dungeon, all fine but then, on last boss, i got kicked, i was very confused, why kicked? So i went into the tab for the dungeon chat to see what was going on.

And i saw that one of the person in the dungeon asked me a question, that i did not read because i had not the dungeon chat on seen. And because i did not answer, the guy acused me of being a bot for around half the dungeon. Which made me be kicked…

Like really?

Then another one, i was in a random hc dungeon, and the guys were very rushing it, and again did not see chat, and they said something about a teleport on the elemental room of Halls of Originations, i was confused i did not know any teleport except the one where the boss spawn room.

Anyway, i went to that one and teleported and i instantly got insulted of being “brain dead” and kicked.

I mean, really? Its just a random hc dugneon, why are people wanting to crush them and cant accept that there is some players that are not aware of their rushing technic? It feels like they want to time it as if it was some mm+ but on classic random hc…

I am very wondering whats going wrong with this community, it feels like, if peoples spend more than 5min in a dungeon or if they are not answering they instantly get mad and kick you.

Now i feel like if i dont read chat i will get kicked, but if i do read the chat and take the time to answer and read i will also get kicked because i am not doing dps…

It is just me or its how it is? Because, i mostly play retail and i dont have these issues there.


To be fair, you are expected to perform your role if you sign up for group content with strangers. If you want to chat with friends using the in game text chat, do it when you are playing solo instead. Or jump into a Discord voice channel so the two activities don’t clash.


I’d say the solution would be to add instance chat to the chat tab you talk to friends in, that way you don’t miss the few messages that happen inside the dungeon


Well, i get you on that, but when these strangers are doing stuff such as skipping trash packs by going in ways that 99% of other people dont use.

And also, i dont see why not ansewring the chat is not doing my role.

Well, i gave 2 examples, one when i did not read and one when i did read but did not understand and wasted time asking which made me be kicked anyway.

Your description of your experience tells me you were lost and couldn’t find a teleporter. If I tried to help someone finding it, they don’t reply and run and die somewhere else I’d also assume the player was a bot or something.

I was playing with a druid the other day who didn’t buff or interrupt spellcasts the other day. The tank asked him to several times, but no buff, interupts or reply from the druid. Eventually the tank started a votekick. I pressed no, but the druid was kicked anyway. Kinda have himself to blame tbh, it’s not too much to ask for to communicate with the group you’re in, especially when you specifically are being asked something. That’s not being unreasonable at all in a multiplayer game.


Then i will tell you how it exactly happenned seems you assume a bit too much from what i said :

It was in Halls of Origination : In that room with Elemental, once you kill all 4 there is a boss that spawn, the tank took that boss and brought him for some reason all the way at the middle of that big elemental room.

I asked “What you doing?” do tank and he answered “Tp on blue” i was bit confused what he meant, but i was thinking, he meant that once we go to the upper floor we going to do the blue boss (the one that is on the last boss room you have orange, pruple, blue and green rooms)

i had not idea there was a teleporter there so i went by foot to the elevator, and when i did that they started telling me i was brain dead and stupid (insulting me yes.)

Then i got kicked.

Is it more clear now?

Honest reply:
Communication is part of doing dungeon. Read chat, ask if you not understand. I would have not kicked you, but thinked you were bit slow or stupid if I tanked thsoe two dungeons with you.
Start reading chat while in dungeon, and ask if not understand.

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Well i dont really know i mean, the other time i got kicked was because one guy asked me why i had an healing trinket as dps during my leveling dungeons.

Reason was because i had more int on that healing trinket than on the woltk quest trinket i had before.

I mean i get that communication is a thing but, why instantly vote kick anyone that show any sign of just minding their own busness?

Why thought? I mean, first you dont know me and second, its not soemthing all groups does but just that one specific group.

Why instantly think lesser of people?

How is it weird if people don’t like to have „bot-like people“ in their group.
People that don’t read group chat while in a group are weird af tbh and a nuisance

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Well then they can queue with their friends.

The fact you can find any type of people because its randome queue is how it is.

Some people just want to chill relax and do the dungeon minding their own busness and thats it.

Not to mention, you can just “not see” like when you play, you play, you dont read chat, you also have addons such as boss mods that do spam your chat.

If people not answer when spoken to … after long tome in group, I think what I think. Sometimes I’m of course wrong, but if no answer after long time, it is strange.

U can still mind ur own business but pay attention to the chat. Most people in cata are silent anonymous sheep anyway and choose not to interact at all.
Don’t join a group if u don’t intend to pay attention to a GROUP chat… if addons and other stuff prevents u from reading Chat then u have a problem and should deal with it.
Otherwise live with the consequences that people are gonna kick you and that definitely YOU are the weird one, not the others :wink:

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Well, if you read the example i gave, its not like the person talked for long, they just were mad i did not take a teleport…

And, you cant deny the fact that a lot of people in Cata really play as if they were in mm+ and they rush and kick any that are bit behind.

I sure agree to last statement, but I was talking of first example, where you never answer to question through all dugeon.

Well, maybe i just did not want to answer the question, the guy was mostly trying to fight with me like “omg why you have heal trinket!!!” like “omg you suck” the guy was clearly asking for troubles.

You tell more and more details whenever people try talk to you - why you not tell whole story from start? Would mhave mad you more credibel, now I hold with

Almost feels like having received another one of Thalissas Medallions for posting something of value :face_holding_back_tears::star_struck:

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Here you are.

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They’re mostly kids.

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I mean, i wont write a novel about it, not have the time and i know it wont be red if i write it all.

And to be honest, lets be real here, you afk 30sec on classic randome dungeon, really 30 SECONDS, its an instant kick.

They always bragged about how classic is more about helping others and being patients, but no it managed to be more toxic than retail on that.

Like really, you go get a glass of water, its a kick.