Why is Warrior so high damage compared to feral?

I’m Ilvl 435, I was just in a mythic with a 418 warrior. His rampage ability was doing tripple damage on mob packs than i could pump out unless combat lasted for super long and even then, anyway end of dungeon damage on a m+ 11 was me with 75.54 million damage and him with 70.82 million damage, most of his damage was from rampage, 10 million more than my rip damage. he was 17 ilvl lower than me.

I’m using ask mr robot for the best stat stat choices and gear combos at all times, I have multiple weak auras etc to ensure im doing the perfect rotation as much as possible at all times, and he just spams rampage and does almost as much damage as me, who hjad to work 10x harder than him as a feral druid? wtf is going on here? it’s actually made me want to quit the game now. that is just unfair.

There will always be specs that will perform better than others. Then it all depends on the builds, ilvls, stats and gear and how people play them. Playing as a fury is one of the fastest specs. You are pressing something all the time while your GCD is barley 1 sec. But if done right, is very rewarding.

But you still did more overall than him.

I can’t think of how many times a feral druid has been top dps and majority of all their damage comes from Ferocious Bite. Yet, i know there is more to it than just “spamming Ferocious Bite”

GigaChad warrior only need rampage not silly dots and rotational WAs.
Git good.

Since Feral relies heavily on bleeds, we tend to suffer a bit when doing “too low” dungeons. If all mobs just get blasted away in seconds, your DoTs have hardly time to tick but you still pay the price in terms of energy and globals to put them up. In higher dungeons, where mobs live long enough for your DoTs to do damage, I found Feral DPS quite competitive this season.

Have you noticed that your performance compared to instant damage classes has improved now that you’re starting to run higher keys?

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