Why is WoW too complicated for new players nowdays

Not rly.

When we are talking about the average level player in WoW.

All 3 speccs of rogue / unholy DK / enhancement and elemental shamans / arcane mages

Would all be considered too complex, u really ocerestimate the average players skill level if you think ur regular joe could play any of the above speccs and in be able to play it to any level of efficency without alot of practice

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I frankly don’t care.

Those people are likely not playing at a level where this matters anyway.

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Well, the key bindinds from my left side, I have there 24 key bindinds that are important combat spells and are put in my main action bars 1 and 2

in my action bar 3, 4 and 5 I put such as Astral recall

So I click abilities from action bar 3,4 and 5 by mouse

the main ones by keyboard

You don’t have 24 rotational spells, you’re just lying.

Blade of justice, judgement, hammer of wrath, divine storm, templar’s verdict, Crusader strike, wake of ashes and if you have the auto attack talent, not even that. Then you have cds. But cds are like 1 press every 1 or 2 minutes, hardly bloat.

The main abilities, those that you always use and press the most are basically 4/5.

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I think it’s quite normal to be overwhelmed at first in a game that has been existing for years. When I tried FF14 I was in a constant state of confusion for a bit. You learn stuff, it becomes normal, you learn some more, that becomes normal, and before you know it you start to get a grasp on the game.

Later on I talked with someone from FF14 who was trying WoW and she had the exact same experience. I think most new players won’t be raiding Mythic, or doing M+ 25 within two weeks. The extra layers of difficulty will hit someone once they naturally start to progress at max level, if they want to head that way.

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Not necessarily. But every game developer SHOULD consider that their game is the first game a new player might ever play (of a genre). So for a person who never played any MMORPG or even any game at all, the game will be a huge pain to learn at first. Especially so with lack of guidance.

What imo a new player needs as class tutorial is:

  • Explanation of Rotations and how your class executes their rotation well
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of your chosen Class
  • Advanced Choice of Skills explained (Talent tree and such)
  • How MMORPG combat works (AoE, Stuns, CC, etc.) and how to use them properly

Alongside that, WoW HEAVILY needs an UI indication rework for what targets are stun-able and what aren’t. I myself find myself often using CC abilities only to see a small “Immune” on the character frame (which btw should also be displayed as a pop-up text on the target itself like in every other MMO)

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Becouse millions of addons guides and all, blizz tuned this game for addons and 0,1.

If blizz tuned game no addons and removed all that, alot of more player incs kinds simple.

Blizz has been focusing on that 0,1% for years now it’s time a change of staff if wow wanna continue to grow.

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And if they do that wanna bet that the community is complaining its too easy.

explain how am i lying?

here´s my keybinds from main action bars

Action bar 2: Q E R F X Z T G F1 F2 F3 F4
Action bar 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y C V N H F5

From Destro warlock I have:

1- Immolate Q - Mortal Coil
2- incinerate E - Drain life
3 - conflagrate R Infernal (Major potency CDs)
4 - shadowfury F Chaos bolt
5 - havoc X - Unending resolve
6- Curse of exhaustion Z - Devour Magic (Dispell magic)
Y - Channel demonfire T - Demonic circle teleport
C- rain of fire G - burning rush
V - soulburn F1 - (Interrupt)
N- demonic gateway F2 - Fear
H- (racial ability) F3 - health funnel
F5 demonic circle summon F4 - dark pact

Because many of the abilities you listed are not core rotational skills.

They are either mobility, utility, or defensives, and only a few are for damage.

You’re not supposed to use those other abilities on cd, you’re supposed to use them when you need to.

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Don´t guide me, I am fine from what I am using the spells

My rotations are almost my own from enhancement and many others

Then calling it a desing flaw is hardly true or “fair”

What are you even talking about?

My rotations are almost my own? There is no such thing, either your rotation is correct or it isn’t.

And considering what you said before, and that you’re complaining about complexity, id wager that it isn’t.

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There will always be those Dark Souls lovers complaining games are too easy.

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Why would they complain even such as “Raids are too easy” or “Class Design was too easy in Legion” ?

Let’s be real, there will always be complainers. And it doesn’t matter. What matters is that the majority players and the new players enjoy the game, because those keep the game alive in the long run.

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thats the problem though .

people on forum mistake who "average " wow player is.

they think that average players are those who run +20s

and reality is your" average " player is runing hc dungeons and lfr. and tell me that rotations are to complicated for that.


thats a pretty unfortunate choice of game with how few buttons dark souls require you to use compared to wow …

I have been posting forums since 2017, saw less complaints than what we have today

I remember made my first posts with “Vrykul and Ogre playable race”

All of my bnet friends don’t know what is WoW forum, even when I told them for the first time

and any friend of mine said “Nah, I don’t want to see forum, it’s wasting time”

EDIT: And for new players it isn’t easy to explore WoW forum, it’s so hard

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If u could read it always said where to do what , u just had to read . Usualy it said stuff like " go north of this cavern there u can find boars " etc …
Or u asked in chat for help from someone else that figured it out.

Rotation or binds arent realy complex imho , if u arent completly new to mmo .

What is rather confusing is wow itself , i came back after s1 on different char, all of sudden i had 4739 qieusts to do, acces 4 different crests which i had no idea what for they are and whatnot …