Why is WoW too complicated for new players nowdays

The class design have too many important combat spells nowdays, because back in Vanilla, Wrath and Cataclysm, it did guide them fine what to read and use abilities with 24 abilities being put two of the main action bars, with buffs and non-important/combat spells (for example: Blessing of Might and Seal of Truth) were easily put to the action bar 4 and action bar 5

the Dragonflight has more than 29 important combat spells, but 5 of them are put to action bar 3,4 and 5, even CCs from hunters and any healer because they cannot handle everything in PvP

Also we want pruning abilities, just like Legion, they had less than 23 important and combat abilities that were put to the main action bars (1 and 2)

For raiders and PvPers, they were so healthy to play these class design during 2016 and 2017

and for those who joined WoW during Legion, they had so much fun, they didn´t have the problem with Class Design, even the raids, because Legion was the EASIEST raiding expansion since Cataclysm.

Only 1 Legion raid was hard, for example Tomb of Sargeras because of so many troubles in Mythic but the rest were easy


I’m not saying it’s not complicated now for a new player but I found it insanely hard when I started in TBC.


I can agree with this subject

Even during Vanilla, Without addon named “Questie” the people would not understand where to kill mobs or collect stuff

and in TBC, the questlines in Outland yes, they was so hard for new players, even the raids had unique mechanics compared to Vanilla and cataclysm

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Try AION’s assassin’s rune carving system or SW:ToR’s … well any rotation, especially operative or Assassin Tank and you will find WoW ridiculously easy :roll_eyes:
Actually this was the main feature of WoW for a long time
It was and is easy
People just got so addicted to addons, they basically forgot how to think and play by themselves


In answer to your posted Question… No it isnt.


WoW is by far one of the easiest and most new player friendly MMORPGs there is. I’ve been introducing a friend to ESO lately and it’s much harder. I myself only use like 3 RP addons on WoW and really don’t understand how people are so hooked to them.

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playerbase changed. and it changed a lot.

young players are used to mobile games and mobile rpgs which have 3-4 abilitis bound max and like 15-16 abiities to choose from .

and those games are really really fun if you play them and ignore all the cash grab mechanics.

blizzard needs to adapt on retail to this. they have no choice. this is the direction players chosen .

and it should be ok - as long as they keep classic servers for those who want outdated gameplay style.

imo it was huge mistake they closed TBC servers. i get why they did it because they likely want to keep only every 2nd expansion runing because players can there always lock their chars to level X and play . but they should have kept tbc servers alive.

next will come cata which will be then turned into mop

then will come wod whihc will be turned into legion

and so on and so on.

but retail needs to evolve. its way to stale now.

Wow is very easy mechanically (you don’t need precise hands or good reactions), but it has a ton of information bloat that people navigate through with addons and prior knowledge.


It is harder than in tbc , because there are 1000000 multipliers specifically from talents .
I’ve been playing for a fairly decent time and still cannot tell how much damage my cast will deal , because you need a freaking Ai computing 24/7 to tell you what will happen .
You have 20x debufs on the target
You have 20x buffs on yourself (trinkets ,augmentation evokers and who knows what)
You have 20x modifiers from talents and interactions with spells
You have armor and defensives on the target .

In tbc you had at most trinket (heroism /power infusion)
2/3 debufs that related to you on the target
and it’s defensive resistances .

That is all .
In most cases your spell would do the same damage it does always .

Now your spell can vary from 10 000 to 100 000 damage due to these modifiers . It way to much .

Oh yea and in tbc you had snapshotting . This was removed because it was too hard . Instead now we get the new snapshotting where you line all stars to cast a spell with +150% damage and do noodle damage outside of that line .

Also bosses did not have 100 swirlies and cds to keep track in tbc .


In PVP, the more abilities we have, the easier it becomes to distinguish between bad and good players, which is good
in PVE, most of the abilities are not even used and people figure out their rotations pretty fast, not to mention they use addons and guides to help them with their rotations

“Also we want” - you want, not “we”. Say “I want”.


What I think WoWs issues are for new players:

  • Lack of proper Class tutorials (the Isles one is “somewhat” ok)
  • Too many keybinds due to the already-fast leveling (for some there isn’t enough time to master the defaults before moving on to the next spells)
  • Too many keybinds due to Classes being bloated with abilities (the game should focus more on optional passives for those not wanting 20+ skills on their bars imo)

oh thats definetly true. but blizzard seems to be happy with current design .

i have been pointing this out since late mop :slight_smile:

they are ok with it because you have lfr/ normal which is the designated difficulty for casual players.

i feel it’s become too convoluted honestly…

not so much the gameplay but the world itself.

it is probably why they rarely reuse the old world zones anymore it would completely confuse new players having to move about the world.

wow could of done with a new engine and game at least a decade ago to remove the world convolution imo.

i feel the world is so big now that players get spread so far apart leaving large parts of the game feeling empty and boring, the quest system is not as innovative as it once was, and most player have probably played through the quests multiple times by now.

wow is just aging now i think and they need to condense it all down and revamp it to make it more interesting.


Its not that new players cant learn the abilities and rotations, its that leveling process is so fast that newbies cant get used to them. When you get 5 new skills and talent points every 30min while leveling its insanely overwhelming. Even me, who is playing wow for 10 years starting a new class can be hard. I spend good 15-20 min reading toolbars after every dungeon while leveling…

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If you mean the game should cater to players that lack a single braincell then yeah, it should “evolve”, but otherwise, taking stuff away from it will just water it down to that, a lackluster mobile game.
And I want to play retail as it is, not see retail be converted into a game for cognitively challenged people, and be told to play classic if I want the old format xD
At the end of the day to each their own, Blizzard will do whatever they want and we’ll adapt or leave.


?? 29? U shre? 29 important combat spells?.

I has 5 ST abilities 5 AoE abilities, offensive abilities

1 turtle shield 1 self heal, 1 DR CD. Defensive CDs.

1 interupt, 1 stun, 1 Tranq shot 1 frost trap 1 tar traps 1 wing cut as CC.

With 1 offensive CD.

I count 20 abilities i could use if i was absolutely using everything.

While wing clip and tar trap are barely used tranq shot has some use but no regularly used either.

Apart from that i have a pet revive and mend button and some fluff. Which sees extremely little use.

29 buttons maybe if ur playing a wnhancement shaman or something. But no most speccs are in no shape or form using 29 important combat abilities.

Most rotations dont even break 10 abilities.

We players wonder why blizzard get it so wrong yet the reasons are so obvious. Cause the god damn playerbase take a issue affecting 3 speccs, and announces it as a problem for all speccs.

So then blizzard make huge wrecking ball size changes polarising the gsme in the complete opposite direction and everyone gets mad.

Yes. Some speccs avaliable have far too many buttons, yes a handful of them are too complex, but when speaking of these matters its real important you specify the speccs ur talking about. Because in no way shape or form

Do havoc demon hunters, arms/fury warriors, ret paladins, surv/BM/MM hunters, fire/frost mages, Frost DKs, feral druids, Windwalker monks or destro warlocks run on 29 rotational buttons.

What do they need a full explanation of every skill?

Sorry, but i just don’t see it.

Only arcane is too complex to play for it to be fun, all the others is frankly just… boomer hands.

Look. should the game be designed around people that have arthritis? Should all complexity and depth in the rotation be removed for the sake of simplicity?


Almost all specs are pretty straightforward to play, with quite a bit of complexity to maximise your damage, but still not feel like it’s too difficult to play.

Yea, if you don’t know your keyboard layout, don’t have keybinds, can barely track 1 ability, have arthritis, or other issues i guess it’s too complex, but come on, seriously?

Its not like its impossible i mean i dont see anything wrong with it, except sometimes the color variations are stupid like sanguine with the platform in the underrot red on red is not a good choice tbh.

People are overthinking most rotations of the classes thats it.