Why is WoW using 100% of my GPU?

This is causing the “unable to start 3D acceleration” every time I try to switch which monitor the game is running on, causing it to crash. No other game that I’ve tested use this much processing power.

I have a 1080Ti STRIX that can handle multiple instances of WoW at the same time since I have more than one account. It is only when I want to switch the monitor the game is displayed on this happens.

I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling drivers, checked so everything is up to date, scanned my pc for malware etc. Nothing changes the fact that I cannot change the monitor I want the game on…

set max fps to 60 - see if it makes any difference .
If max FPS is not set the GPU thinks it needs to run wow on 300+ fps burning dowwn your graphic card

Yeah that actually helped.


There are two groups of people, I’ve noticed.

  1. The “Why is WoW using 100% of my GPU??!?!?!?!”
  2. The “Why is WoW only using 80% of my GPU, shouldn’t it be using 100%?!?!?!?!?!”

Oh well. I take the line, the game is running fine, I don’t care how much GPU it’s using.