Why isn't there a Dire Maul South ?

And that’s what defines a dungeon to you? Wow.

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Its classic and nothing is balanced.

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I do not see what having “the four cardinal points” would do. WeirdChamp fetish.

What’s on the other side of Azeroth?

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Until they drop epic BoE.

I guess it is a little know fact of the warcraft ogre history

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Because… they need one side for the actual entrance ?

That’s Alabama.

Asking the hard-hitting questions there.


I did not expect that my first blue post reply would be a reply to a bad joke.

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Best one of yours I’ve seen so far, so why not?

What did you expect from someone named Fartnugget honestly.

Katreena: If there is a Strath live and a Strath dead why isnt there a Schroedingers Strath which is both dead and alive?

Haha, love this reply. Well done :slight_smile:

GM’s are - or at least were - known for their penchant for (bad) jokes :wink:

Because they couldn’t convince the gnomes to give them the required radioactive material after the whole Gnomeregan incident…

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Absolutely too high risk for potentially invading ogres to activate elven cheat codes.

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If we have Molten Core, why don’t we have a Frozen Core ?
If we have Black Wing Lair why don’t we have White Wing Lair ? That’s racist.
…and other pointless questions :slight_smile:

I ventured into the dead Strat and found it very much alive.

A full strath run could be called Schrödinger’s strath.

I’m gonna start advertising for that when I’m looking to build a group.

Thanks for this wonderful insight.

No, that would be alive and then dead, or vice versa, which would then be a perfectly ordinary life cycle or necromancy, respectively.

To do it Schrodinger style I guess you could split the party and do it with your eyes closed? Might be difficult.