As many in the game, I complain because Therazal weekly quests got simply disabled (on french servers at least), which makes it VERY harder to max renown. (It was not this easy before). So let me tell you that earning few reputation per world quest and rare mobs is very annoying, because you have to do it often so you have to move from Dornogal Valdrakken each time there are some new world quests and it goes turtle speed. So frustrating. I think this is the first time WoW disables a weekly quest from an expansion.
Why such a vigour to make the road harder for people that came at the end or after the expansion ?
Also, here is the famous topic on LFR raid. You can farm mythic, heroic, normal of the last expansion (with a timegate), but you can’t farm LFR tmogs. Plus I would like to remind that LFR is pretty chaotic to get gear. A lot of person competing for the same piece of gear, which reduces your chance to get anything. Also, if like me you are on a small server, tagging LFR is long and can linger over an hour to get started, only certain days. (Just before the reset or Friday around 6pm. That’s how it was for me) I don’t think players would rant if getting a piece in mythic unlocked all the appearances below mythic.
I point that I would like to get this shield tmog: Arctic Warden’s Bulwark. This has a weekly drop under 1%, so how is it even possible to get it? I don’t think it would be unfair that a merchant with a currency allows player to buy the item, instead of hoping them to drop at a silly rate. How do I overcome this? Rerol a new shield wearer to do the weekly with them as well? Do I need ten shamans to get my item?
My post in a nutshell:
- Therazal weekly quest disabled.
- LFR tmogs almost impossible to get, even more after the next season.
- Silly droprates+timegate for tmogs items is not legitimate