Why Marksmanship hunters should keep their pets

Lore and Class Identity

Pets have been an integral part of the Hunter class since the game’s inception. They’re not just a tool; they define what it means to be a Hunter. MM Hunters may focus on precision and ranged attacks, but removing pets entirely contradicts the core fantasy of being a master of beasts and survival in the wild.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Pets aren’t just cosmetic additions; they’re vital to keep aggro and Tanking.
Solo players, in particular, rely on pets to hold aggro and tank mobs. Removing pets would make solo content significantly harder.

Utility and Buffs: Pets bring valuable utility, such as crowd control and buffs, that are helpful in both solo and group content. Removing them would reduce the strategic options available to MM Hunters.

Diversity and Flexibility

Allowing MM Hunters to use pets adds variety to their playstyle. Forcing a “petless” approach would make MM Hunters more one-dimensional and less adaptable to different gameplay scenarios. Choice is an essential part of keeping classes engaging.

Emotional Connection

Many Hunters have pets they’ve used for years, building a strong emotional bond with them. For some players, their pet feels like an extension of their character. Forcing players to abandon this connection would alienate them from their own gameplay experience.

PvP Balance

In PvP, pets are an additional resource that adds depth to the Hunter’s toolkit. They can provide pressure, utility, or even distractions. Without pets, MM Hunters could lose competitive edge in certain PvP scenarios.

Part of Class Balance

Pets are factored into the overall balance of the Hunter class. They contribute to DPS and survivability while offering unique mechanics. Removing pets would require significant rebalancing of the MM specialization and potentially leave it feeling underpowered or incomplete. Not sure the spotting eagle will hit the mark here.

Choice Matters

The current design allows MM Hunters to choose whether to use a pet or not. This flexibility caters to different playstyles and preferences. Removing pets entirely would strip away that choice, forcing a specific playstyle on all MM Hunters. Give us a mortal wound effect on aimed shot so we can choose to play without pet in pvp but for gods sake let us keep the pet as a choice for when we are doing solo content!

No Major Complaints

The community has not expressed widespread dissatisfaction with MM Hunters using pets. Why change something that isn’t broken? Major class changes should address real problems, not create unnecessary disruptions.

Creative Freedom

Pets allow players to customize their character’s aesthetic and identity. Many Hunters take pride in finding the perfect pet that matches their theme or story. Removing pets would take away this avenue for creative expression.

Tradition and Expectations*

WoW is a game built on tradition and long-standing player expectations. Hunters have always had pets, and many players choose the class for that reason. Removing pets from MM Hunters will feel like a betrayal of what the class represents.


MM Hunters have been complaining about the Pet Shuffle to access Bloodlust for a while. It sucks and breaks the gameplay flow.

As it stands, MM Hunters opting for Lone Wolf lose access to utility that other Hunter specs don’t have to, just to try and be competitive on DPS.

The sensible option on Blizzard’s part would have been to have Marksman designate your pets as Spotters, so they could marry their new gameplay vision for the spec while still honouring Hunter players’ fondness for their personally chosen pets.

Thematically it makes sense for a Sniper focussing on landing a few critical shots to take down an opponent. You don’t want your Wolf up in the opponents face which would move your target and put your aim off.

You’d want a sudden strike to open up their defences to land the perfect shot.

This theming can be accomplished without an Eagle, specifically.

Some abilities that are specifically eagle themed would need a rebranding, but it’s certainly not impossible, and might go some way to alleviating sore feelings.

I have no clue why most of you are whining about having a doggy next to you or not instead of the many MANY other changes that were brought upon the hunter, especially Marksmanship that feels like piloting a cruise ship.

Worry about game play and feeling instead of worrying about a dumb lump of pixels next to you with an AI so buggy it sometimes stands still in an open room because a 2 pixel high stone is in the way. If you want to Whine about something useful concerning pet, demand Blink strike back.

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I do not care about pets. I’m happy with the new Eagle companion.

Do not put words in my mouth.

The position I adopted while writing my response to this thread is one that understands that some players care about their specific pet.

I do not, personally, but have sufficient faculties to put myself in the position of those who do, and thus make a design suggestion that would seek to appease such players while preserving Blizzard’s design intentions with the spec.

Nowhere did I suggest that I am personally aggrieved by the change to MM Hunter pets (which have since been largely reverted anyway for those who want them).

Work on your reading comprehension.

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