Why Nerf Guardian?

So throughout all of Season 1 Guardian has been the most under represented and under performing tank in both raiding and M+ environments (both in the higher end, but also in general).

Having that in mind, what’s the rationale behind “reworking” its talents to arguably a worse tree and nerfing Berserk in 10.0.5?.. Compared to the other tanks this is by far the least flexible spec tree, arguably even less flexible than prior to 10.0.5.

Why add Lunar Beam if it’s just as unviable as it was in the past. This is literally a copy/paste without tuning from back in the day, and holds zero value.

Also, is Tooth and Claw still bugged and not negating magic damage? This has been an issue all of S1 and PTR, so curious if it’s still the case.


Still bugged, along with Raze. Raze is DoA which is a shame as it sounds like a fun talent, but without the damage aura modifier it hits like a wet noodle and not worth the point over maul.

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Well guardians were very fun to play in SL, but it seems they rolled low in DF. There is really no reason to play guardian, when you can faceroll on a warrior.

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Rip Guardian druid.
Has been a slow death since late BFA, and now it gets the killing blow.
I guess they stopped caring about the fluffy bear tank.
Were losing so much defensive in the new tree and getting more dps. I dont know who thought that was a good idea since we already have good dps and very low defensive compared to all other tanks.
They took away our last and single CD that felt nice to push, Incarnation. Now i have to wait for push Thrash. I cant spam it to get some earthwarden or build rage for ironfur.
Its sad to see Guardian get killed like this. The change should have made Guardian viable in higher keys, not kill it :frowning:

Guardians… Its in their spec name… Guardians should be powerful and protective. How can it be the worst tank of them all … smh



No love in the latest hotfixes. Press F to pay respects.

According to the US forums the Blizzard employee responsible for the Druid and Priest specs left the company recently and so now it’s all up in the air. Whether if that’s true though, who knows.

Removal of one berserk buff feels horrible.

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Tbf The berserk change isn’t all that bad. Yes it takes some getting used to but alternating between mangle and thrash = more rage = more IF/maul. Defensively it’s a plus. It feels clunky but after a little while it works ok, and when Raze gets fixed we’ll be pressing that instead for A LOT more damage than simply pressing thrash. But we really need some love.

TnC needs fixing.
Raze needs fixing (It’s not on the guardian damage aura and so hits like swipe - pointless, it’s also consuming all charges of TnC if you have 2, and parts are not affected by the extra range we get from AI).
Lunar Beam needs deleting - we have enough bloat in the last tier of talents without that copy paste crap.
DoC and PotP needs fixing.
Moonless Night and Thorns need adjusting - their damage/output is not worthy of being in the last tier.
Our rage gen needs to move up the tree (GG/BF), why are these in the last tier? They’re integral to any build and make early gameplay clunky having them locked away.
Berserk needs to be condensed. 5 points for a fully upgraded 3 minute CD? With 2 of them locking access to each of our rage gen talents.
We need to get IW built in to mangle or added to the mangle rank2 talent if they insist on keeping that.
FotP needs to go to the class tree.
We need some form of reliable magic DR, bring back MoU in some form.


The problem is that Blizzard did not offer us a better alternative builds for Guardians. Everything was build around 1 single spell Berserk. And now when they nerf it everything is going down to the ground. Because of this nerf most of the talents (Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc, Ursoc’s Guidance, Ursoç Fury, Flashing Claws, Earthwarden, Blood Frenzy, Rend and Tear) are becoming completely useless. It’s terrible desing for a spec to relly on one big CD like Incarn to do dmg and survive. On top of that half of the talents rely on the Berserk. And now we are in a dead end, because there is no other alternative to choose from.

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They left during DF beta, after scribbling the first versions of the trees and then not making any changes even in response to the overwhelming amount of feedback. (It isn’t a secret - they posted on their Twitter when they left.)

Feral was lucky and got a good dev as replacement, and resto seems to have had the same good fortune. Balance hasn’t done so well, and guardian seems to have been dumped on someone who either doesn’t have a clue or doesn’t care.

It’s so sad because I love tanking as well as playing my feral main, and now I have to maintain a second character to tank because guardian is in such a mess. I really feel for guardian mains who have either been forced to play another tank or (in the case of a couple of people I know) stopped tanking entirely.


If this is allowed, feel free to post the tweet here. I’d love to read it.

Same. After I reached KSH on my Guardian I made a Prot warrior and it is truly sad how they compare in survivability and overall utility. Night and day difference. Not to mention the Prot warrior spec actually feels good to navigate, and you generally feel like you have meaningful and situationally adaptive choices to make there.

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