Why no community council on EU forums?

Added that to my thread where i complained about something similar.

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I’m very happy with the initiative but am sad that no-one from Blizz thought to make a post in this forum and pin it to tell us the forum was open and with a link.


Yes I have repeatedly agreed with that point.

However there is a vast difference between asking for an announcement or some pinned post and demanding it being located somewhere other than the US forums.

Please come on just put the us fourm on a book mark its not hard.

No i didn’t claim that at all, weird comment

Are all of the community council members US players? Just asking because you need a US WoW account to be active there.

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Idk they did say everyone was able to sign up no mater where you are from.

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They are not. They wanted the forum in one place so we EU users had to make a NA Trial account char to be able to post. It was the easiest solution for now at least.

If you read the introductions of the Community Council, you can see there’s a bunch of EU members!

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Do the other region forums have Community Council, like CN for example? Do they even have a community council? I think their forums do have a bug report, so really there isn’t much excuse for them to not do so for EU.

If they say having one for EU and one for US would split them too much then why are the EU and US forums split? It proves the entire point that they really don’t care for EU feedback and EU just gets the copy paste response on any topic but nothing more.

There are like 4 regions. Not 100.

I really do not understand the rest of it. In a game, and everything around it, that is based on ONLINE COMMUNITY and nothing else than ONLINE COMMUNITY, where we can all really quickly communicate between east and west, why does it even matter where Blizzard is based?

I mean, in my opinion, there is absolutely no excuse that they are in U.S so that they ignore the rest of player base.

It’s really like, rest of the world plays our game but only U.S players voice matters as if rest of the world are lesser being or whatever. Are they are making game for U.S only or for every region they are based at?

Seems with all “fruit bowls” they are trying to plant the U.S seed everywhere, which is why most people don’t really like U.S


Why can’t they simply “mirror” the forum? Isn’t that possible? As those of us who aren’t part of the community can’t take part in it anyway, other than to read it, then there’s no access issues for us - but at least it would LOOK like regions other than the US were able to get involved.

I understand that people from the EU have/will be/may be invited to take part, once they’ve gone through some sort of extra process over and above the US people - but that’s to enable them to write on those forums. The rest of us don’t need that sort of access.

It would also be really nice to have someone there who was an advocate for guilds and their admin (perhaps alongside various other UI improvements for communities, and realm population management) - which so far, I’ve seen no evidence of.

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yes absolutely this. also someone els asked previous if there were people in the council from the EU yes there are people.

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I have never implied there are 100s of regions :woman_shrugging:t3: but it does amuse me that so many are upset that they based the community on the US forums. The council needs to be in one place, so they can all discuss in one place.

In your own words, what does it mater. They based it on the NA forums. It really does not matter in any way spape or form that it is not on the EU forums. The people overseeing the project are most likely US staff, on every front it makes sense that this is based there.

How are they ignoring the rest of the playerbased when everyone who made it on to the council has been instructed to take part in the same forum?

I think this is a common misunderstanding. The members are from all over the place. Applications were open to all. Although members outside of the US have the inconvenience of having to set up a US starter account and do a bit of minimal levelling to be able to post. Our EU sub covers the ability to post on a US starter on the NA forums.

It would have been nice if we’d had a blue post or a pinned link to the Community Council forum (on NA). We found out via word of mouth, thanks to other posters. I still tend to find out more information about WoW via third party sites than direct from WoW itself.

An American game developer being ethnocentric in regards to how it treats its player base is really nothing new and is just a reflection of their every day life, perception and politics. I can’t see how this surprised anyone. The EU and Oceanic/Asian communities has been thrown under the bus for over a decade now and the fact that the EU forums even still exist is just a relic. This is just another confirmation of the fact that the developers not wanting to go to separate forums to gather feedback, and that they never bothered to do so in the past either, and underlines that anything being written on other region forums haven’t been curated for many many years past simple chat moderation. No matter the amount of MVP explaining you throw at this you cannot rationalize yourself out of the truth.


I’ve never understood why the forums are split by region then language, rather than by language alone.

For the realms it makes sense. Obviously playing on a realm from another continent increases your latency by A TON.

But for forums? Latency doesn’t matter unless we’re talking multiple seconds, which we’re not.


Mainstream American news doesn’t mention the world outside, so unless they’re personally internet savvy and multinationally connected, they don’t often think about other countries as being worth interacting with.

Basically the American national psyche (not necessarily the individual psyche) is quite isolationist. They don’t mind taking money from other countries, but they don’t really want to interact if they can avoid it. The greatest country on earth doesn’t need input from other cultures.

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They could at least add a link to the US forums, because I constantly have to manually go there and look it up…

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Bookmarks my dude :smile_cat:

Or you know, they add the official link so people even know where to look. For days I thought the forum was just bugging out on me and I couldn’t see it.

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Community Council is very scuffed im hearing from other sources its boiled down to a publicity stunt im yet go hear anything good and sounds like at best all it would do is draw eyes upon smaller content creators of the game or double down on needless things which will also hurt the game but we’ll see I guess